Chapter ten

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Chapter 10

Going back inside the hotel room, I saw José sitting on the edge of the bed running a towel through his hair as the rest of him lay bare. His eyes flashed up to me for a second.

"Hungry? I thought about ordering in." José said as he flung his towel across the room carelessly exposing his naked body. I put my book down on the table beside me.

"Can we talk?" I said, holding my hands together anxiously as I took a step toward him. His eyes shut with a deep sigh.

"This again? I don't want to talk about it." José said as he got up to go put on some pants. He walked past me but stopped. He turned around and looked at me with his eyebrows scrunched and a big frown on his cheeks as if he already had known. "Erin. . ."

"José, listen to me. Please, just forgive me. I'm sorry. I did nothing wrong!" I said, begging him for forgiveness.

"Nothing wrong? You might as well have slept with the man, Erin!" José yelled causing me to flinch from the harsh loudness. "How could you? I'm your husband. The only person you should be drinking around is me! I'm the man of this relationship. What I say goes. You know that. There are no exceptions."

"Nothing happened between us! So what if I have a couple of drinks? What's so wrong about that?" I asked him loudly but it cracked under the pressure. I was getting so frustrated I began to cry. This always happens.

"You could turn against me! You could've slept with him! A man doesn't just get a woman drunk just to have a conversation. He wants you! He wants to get in your pants and steal you from me! That's what they all do!"

"He would never! He treats me with respect. He's been nothing but kind, respectful, patient, and honest. We did nothing." I saying trying my best to defend Don the best I could.

"I won't believe it! That's exactly what he wants you to think!" José said getting up in my face causing me to back up a bit from his harsh words that only got louder. More tears sprang from my eyes as they poured down my cheeks like a stream. "Is that sand in your hair? You're supposed to stay away from the beach after you shower. You smell awful. You smell like Don. Did you see him? Did you speak to each other?"

"I may have!" I said getting upset but it only rivaled him up even more. "He explained to me about everything. Brazil isn't exactly safe, José. It's dangerous. Something could've happened to me. Don only did his best to keep me safe and protected. I —"

"¿Qué les dije? Usted no me escucha! (What did I tell you? You don't listen to me!)" José was pissed. He suddenly grabbed at my wrist and held on tightly, jerking me forcibly close to him harshly as he inched closer to my face. I could see all the anger and rage in his eyes. For once I was afraid of him.

"José, you can't do this. . . You can't keep me from having friends. . ." I said as tears still poured. It hurt my eyes to strain open from crying so hard.

"Watch me," he said threateningly, his hand getting tighter around my wrist that made me gasp and fall to my knees in front of him from the hard grasp as his nails were digging into my wrist. Looking above I could feel his anger radiating off of him shaking in his anger and wrath. "You are mine, Erin. You married me. You listen to me. I am your husband so you do as I say. You listen to me, Erin!" His grasp got tighter as he got louder. I let out a sob.

"Yo-you're hurting me!" I shouted trying to pull myself away but it only made it worse. He only held on tighter as I couldn't help but choke out a sob as my wrist felt being squeezed to death as if it was going to shatter from all the tight pressure. "J-José, please!"

"I don't care! Maybe you'll finally listen for once!" José said. I never knew this side of him. I hated it. He's scary like this. "If you screw this up one more time, Erin, we're through. Got that? I love you so much. You mean so much to me. I'd hate to lose you over someone who would rather have his way with you then discard you like you're nothing. You thought Al was such a horrible boyfriend? Just wait until you see my bad side. This was nothing. I don't want to make you feel sad or alone. That's why I'm here. I'm the only one that can protect you and keep you safe. Nobody else can do that but me. You'll understand soon enough. Not everyone is somebody you can trust. And I don't trust Don. He's no good. He wants to use you, Erin. He doesn't see how wonderful and innocent you are, but also quite gullible and naive. But I do. I know you more than anyone else. And that's why we stick together. You're mine to love."

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