We Got History

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    A/N: If you are easily triggered then please skip this chapter, if you want to shed some knowledge of any mental illness that I may have gotten wrong then don't be afraid to let me know. It's your story just as much as it is mine. Love you guys❤️❤️

The triplets started off with their life story and I didn't really like how sad and lost they looked before speaking. Giovanni took lead and began.

"Me and my brothers were adopted when we were 8. Our parents are still very much alive but just in prison for the time being."

I gasped in shock. Usually kids are put up for adoption because the adults can't afford or may not be able to take care of a child but to hear that their parents are in prison was shocking.

"Our parents were involved in the Mafia. They were abusive, bipolar, and homicidal maniacs. They beat us almost every day." Gio looked deeply hurt which hurts me more that he can imagine.

"That burn mark you saw on my shoulder, my mother was mad at me so she put her blunts out on my for weeks until she felt better about whatever I made her mad about. Soon it became one big burn mark." Raphael spoke just above a whisper.

I gasped and grabbed him and held him for as long as he needed me to. No one should have to go through that, especially a child so young.

"They would burn Ralph, beat Gio senseless, and they sold me to multiple people. If it wasn't for our teacher noticing our behavior and signs then we would be dead by now." Michelangelo looked as if he wanted to hide in a hole somewhere.

"They touched me like I was nothing. Some men, some woman but they never stopped no matter how loud I cried for them to just be done." Michel whimpered out.

"We were in foster care for about a year when Carol came and adopted all three of us together. We thought we were gonna be separated but mom made sure we were a family for good." Ralph finished and I had tears streaming down my face.

"I'm so happy you shared that with me. I'm also happy that you are here right now with me. All of you." I was a blubbering baby.

"We're glad to be with you as well my love." Giovanni kissed my cheek and soon his brothers followed suit.

"Guess it's my turn."Jayson muttered.

"You already know about my history with Nicole, but before I was a Martinez I was a Jameson." He paused and I thought about how his old last name didn't really fit him. Jayson Jameson. Doesn't sound as good as Jayson Martinez.

"I was told my mother was a smart, hard working, beautiful woman. My dad was the stereotypical black dad, in other words he was gone before I took my first breath."

"I'm sorry Jayson." I walked over and sat next to him but instead he picked me up and put me in his lap.

"I was too young to remember but they told me my mom was mugged and shot. They sent me to live with my pedophile ass cousin. He touched me and did horrible things to me until I ran away. The cops found me and arrested him by then I was 4." Hot tears fell onto my shoulder. Jayson was crying but trying to hold it all back.

"You don't have to continue Jayson. It's fi-"

"No, I want to continue." He took a minute to get himself together and breathed out.

"I was in the foster care system for two years. I was passed around, treated like dirt, abused, and forgot about until one day a Hispanic lady sat in the adoption room with her husband. They smiled at me and asked me if I wanted a home. A mommy and daddy, I said yes and next thing I know I'm coming home with them. I was officially a Martinez August 7th 2014." He finished off with a proud smile.

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