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-(Three Days Later)-

(Claude's POV)

I walked down the hallway and continued to read my book on different places that are found on the outer parts of Fodlan. It's been three whole days sense Byleth saved me...and I still can't seem to wrap my head around it yet. He's now healed enough where he can teach again though...but I still feel uncomfortable around him. I mean hell the one time I went to visit him I didn't even say thank you.

I turned a corridor and looked up to see Byleth talking to the professors. I walked past them trying to make sure they didn't notice me but somehow Byleth did..

"Hey Claude." he said with a smile. I groaned and turned towards him, "Hey Sensei.." I said trying to control my anger and embarrassment. 

"Where you going?" I smiled, "Oh just to the library, good bye now." I said running down the hall in the opposite direction of the library. I stopped behind some bushes to catch my breath, I sat down and covered my face with the book.

"What the hell is wrong with you...." I cried to myself. "You should thank him...." I sighed and looked up at the sky not knowing what to do anymore...

(Byleth's POV)

I sighed as I looked down the same corridor to the library, I tired to look for Claude bt couldn't find him anywhere. I groaned and walked down to the classrooms, I didn't understand at all why Claude was..ignoring me.

I mean sure I could tell that he didn't like me at first....but it's been like it for so long. I've been wanting to talk to him about it but he always runs away, but not today. Today I am going to try and find him and have a decent conversation with him....hopefully..

(Claude's POV)

I slowly walked to the cafeteria clutching the book in my hand tightly. I knew that I shouldn't be acting like a fool..Byleth has done so much for it's time I do something for him for once..

I started to walk faster with more confidence now, I ran towards the chef. "Umm excuse me?" the chef turned to me and smiled, "Hello there sonny, how can help you?" I smiled at him and placed my book on the counter.

"Well I was wondering if you could make a...small cake for me." the chef smiled and nodded, "Sure, what kind?" I thought for a minute trying to think of what kind of cake Byleth would enjoy. "Ummm..vanilla please." the chef nodded and immediately started baking. It only took him about ten minutes to make a delicious looking cake. 

"Thank you so much!" I said gently taking the cake from him the chef bowed and moved on to help the person next to me. I quickly grabbed my book off the counter and jogged to our classroom. I couldn't help but smile..finally I was having the courage to talk to him and thank him! I made one last final turned and slowed my pace.

I walked right next to the door and took a deep breath, "Sensei-," but I stopped and my eyes grew wide. Byleth was trapped on the a woman...they were going to kiss if I didn't show up. Byleth noticed me and pushed the girl off of him. 

"C-Claude wait! This is a huge misunderstanding..." he said. I stepped back and dropped the cake on the floor. "I-I-I...." I turned away trying to control the emotions I was feeling.

"Claude I,-" but I didn't let him finish I quickly ran away without looking angry feeling was arising inside of me. Just seeing him with a girl like that made me....jealous? I groaned and continued running feeling like...a stupid fool..


(I hoped you guys enjoyed it, and sorry I had to leave it off with a sad Claude. But I will work on the next one! BYEE)

(Claude x Male Byleth) Barriers...(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now