Our First One...

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-(2 Days Later)-

(Byleth's POV)

I sighed as Manuela began to talk about her students progress, today was the day when all teachers talked about how well their students do in class. So in other words, boring. I sighed as an images of Claude came to mind...his blushing face....his sexy body....his cute smile...

"I must admit that my class can be a little hesitant when we have to kill some protesters but I am working on fixing that problem." Manuela said. 

"Excellent, now Byleth how is your class doing?" Reha asked, I sighed and tried to muster a smile. "Well, they're doing excellent. I don't even think that I am needed most of the time, for they can handle things well on their own." I replied.

"That's good news," Reha said, as I looked away from her. "Are you feeling alright Byleth, you seem to be bothered about something.." Lady Reha said.  I groaned softly and turned back to her, "I'm fine..JUST fine." I replied, Lady Reha nodded slowly as the bell rang. 

"W-Well, I guess that's it. All of you are excused." Lady Reha said, we all stood up and bowed before leaving. "Byleth!" I turned around and saw Manuela running up to me.

"Is something wrong Manuela?" I asked.

"Here," I looked down at a book that I swear I've seen before..."Wait, isn't that Claude's book?" I asked. Manuela looked at me with a surprised expression, "How did you know this was his book? I only found out today when I found it.." she said.

"Oh, I saw it in his room when we had s-a meeting." I said, wanting to slap myself. 

"Oh, well if you don't mind giving it back to him for me."

"Sure no problem." I replied.

"Also I've been noticing that you and Claude have been hanging out a lot. I'm actually pretty glad, he used to despise you at first."

"Not anymore..."


"Nothing, I'll see you later Manuela!" I said, as I waved goodbye and ran down the hall.

(Claude's POV)

"Yeeghh!" I cried, as I felt a weird shiver down my spine. 

"What the hell was that?" Hilda asked.


I tightened my grip on my book as me and Hilda were walking down to class. "Say have you and Byleth been on any dates?" Hilda asked. "Of c-," but then now that I think about it we haven't...this whole time we've been together and we haven't really been on a "date".

"Claude!" me and Hilda stopped, and turned to see a smiling Byleth running towards us. 

"Hey Byleth!" Hilda said. 

"I swear to god, you smile too much.." I said, as Byleth stood in front of me. 

"Me? No way." he said, with a huge smile. I glared at him as Hilda tried to hold in her laughter. "Oh, anyway Manuela found this." he said, as he handed me the book in my hand. 

"Oh, I was looking for this book!" I said, as I skimmed through the pages but as I did so two pieces of paper flew out of the book. Hilda caught them and read them (without permission) and her eyes immediately sparkled. "Ooooommmeeeeggoossshhh!" Hilda squealed, as me and Byleth looked at her with concern. 

"W-what is it?" I asked. Hilda shoved the two papers in my face to show me what they were. I grabbed the papers and it said, 

'Firework Show-Reburn Village-10/06-7:00pm'

I reread the tickets again and it finally hit me, I bought these tickets so that I could go with Hilda! Plus the 6th was today.... "I forgot about these, I actually bought them so me and y-," but before I could finish Hilda covered my mouth and smiled at Byleth.

"Just hold on a second Byleth.." Hilda then dragged me behind a pillar and released her grip on my mouth.

"What the hell are you-,"

"This is it! This is your chance Claude!" Hilda said, her eyes sparkling again.

"M-my chance? My chance at what?" Hilda slapped her forehead and pointed at Byleth, back at me, and then the tickets in my hand.  

"What does me and Byleth have to do with tic-OH!" I said, as I realized what she was trying to say. "You want me to ask Byleth to the show?" I asked. Hilda nodded and looked like she wanted to cry tears of joy. 

"But...but I don't know Hilda."

"Oh COME ON I'm sure Byleth would want to go! I know you're gonna have fun with him! I can guarantee it!" I sighed and glanced at Byleth...imagining watching fireworks with him...

"Alright...I'll ask.." I said, Hilda did a small little happy dance before turning me towards where Byleth was standing.

"Go..go to him..he's waiting." Hilda said, as tears spilled out of her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her and slowly made my way to Byleth. "So...something wrong?" he asked, as I stood in front of him. "N-No," I glanced back at  Hilda who gave me a thumbs up.

"I-I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to the firework show tonight.." I looked up at Byleth who seemed surprised at first but then had a very happy expression afterwards. "Of course...I would love nothing more." he replied. I blushed as I handed him the other ticket, "Don't be late or I'll go without you." I said.


"Byleth!" I looked up to see Hanneman waving to Byleth at the end of the hall. 

"Coming! I'll see you Claude." he said, as he ran to professor Hanneman. When he finally got out of view Hilda jumped out of the shadows and hugged me. "YASSS! YOU'RE FIRST DATE!" she squealed. "S-Shut up!" I said, as I looked around.

"You are soooo gonna tell me what happens!" she said, as she patted me on the back. I smiled at her and looked down at the ticket in my hand..tonight was gonna be me and Byleth's FIRST date..

I felt my heart flutter the more I thought about it....


(Sooooo, I've been reading the comments that you guys put and I was laughing my butt off. It really made my Friday a whole lot better. Any who, thanks for reading and I hope you all will stay safe and keep posting funny comments for me to read. BYYEE and have a good day! >//<)

(Claude x Male Byleth) Barriers...(COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant