Chapter 3

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hey it's me yer boi the failure of a writer

here we go again with some trash :D

have fun and enjoy :3


-Skye's POV-

After the last bell rings to signify the end of the day, I find myself in the girl's bathroom, stalling -- haha, bathroom, stalls, stalling -- and not going to detention. I don't really know why, but for some reason I can't stop staring at myself in the mirror.

--And no, it's not because I think I'm the most beautiful human being to walk this earth.
In fact, far from it.
I don't really know why I'm stuck gazing at myself. There's nothing special about the way I look, today or any other day.
I guess what I'm really noticing is how much I look like my mom. We have the same brown eyes, where you can see little flecks of gold when the sun shines on them the right way. The same straight, small nose that turns up a bit at the end. The same freckles, and even the same dirty blonde hair. That is, before I dyed mine cotton-candy pink.

But enough reminiscing. I have somewhere to be.

I drag my eyes away from my face in the mirror, and take a deep breath, composing myself. With a quick brush of my hand, I wipe off a tear that has fallen to my cheek without me noticing; stupid emotions.

*      *      *

Mrs. P's room is dark when I arrive, and so after peeking in, I flick the light switch on. As usual, one of the lights in the back corner is flickering. Ugh. Why am I the only one who ever notices that?

I sigh, and plop my stuff down at one of the desks in the back row.
About two seconds later, after I'd had some time to settle down -- that was sarcastic, by the way, if you couldn't catch that -- a boy pops his head in the door, looking a bit confused.

"Uhm...are you-? That is, I mean..." He begins to sweat, visibly.

I save him from his misery: "You here for detention? Phillips?"

"Yes! Um, that is, yeah. I am."

I nod. "Me too."
I watch as the boy sits a couple rows in front of me, seeming to relax a little. He's got kind of choppy black hair, and he's pretty short as far as I can tell. From the back, I notice a couple of freckles dotting the back of his neck. As soon as I see them, I realize that I've leaned forward quite a bit in my seat, and if he were to turn around, it'd be quite obvious that I'd been staring. I blush and lean back so quickly that my chair squeaks, causing his head to whip around.

"Sorry," I say. "Squeaky chairs, such a pain, right?" I shake my head.

He allows a small smile to creep onto his face. "Believe me, I know." Suddenly, his eyes dart from me to the ceiling behind me. "Somebody needs to fix that," he mutters.

"Hm?" I turn around as well, and follow his gaze to the flickering light. "Oh! I know, right?" I turn back to him. "I'm surprised you've noticed it, too."

"Same," he says, "I thought it was only me."

"Well I agree that it needs to be fixed, honestly I don't know how Mrs. P can bear it."

"How I can bear what?" Both of us swivel to face the door. Mrs. Phillips strides in, an eyebrow raised. She plunks her stuff onto her desk, and sits down, adjusting her spectacles. "Do homework, write, sleep, doodle -" she glares pointedly at me, "on paper, do anything, I don't really care. Just be quiet and it'll be better for all of us."

"Yes, ma'am," the boy and I chime back in unison.

"Ah, wait," I pipe.

Mrs. P heaves a great big sigh and gives me the hairy eyeball over the rims of her glasses. "What is it?"

I smile sweetly. "Shouldn't we get to know each other first? We don't even know each other's names."

The boy groans. "Dear God, why."

Mrs. P rolls her eyes, something I admit I've never seen a teacher do before. "Fine, fine." She waves her hand dismissively. "Introduce yourselves or whatever."

I stand up and go sit next to the boy, holding out my hand. "I'm Skye. Nice to meet you."

He stares at my hand for a second, then back up at me, then at my hand, before finally shaking it. "Kairo."

"Interesting name, you got any nicknames though?"

"Umm, some people call me Kai."

I snort. "Eh, too generic. I'm calling you...Ro."

He wrinkles his nose. "Ro? Ew."

"Shush. Your name is Ro now. OK? OK." I give him a smug smile, and stand to go back to my seat, but he grabs my arm.

"Then I'm calling you Kye."

I sniff. "If you must." But really, I kind of like it. Kye. Never thought of that before. (authors note: i wonder why u didn't.... who tf calls themselves kye ;-;)


there we go, guys! end of chapter 3

hope you enjoy so far

so sorry about being so slow

i said i'd update once a day and here i am updating, what, once per week? ew. (edit: LMAO so much for that; again)

anyway! bye <3


Two Hours LaterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt