The New Chief

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Han Ro was trained in all things by his father when he was adopted and sent to the underworld, he speaks all the major languages, can drive anything from cars to planes, can fix almost anything he touches, and operate any weapon he can get his hands on.

Maybe it was talent, maybe it was the training he received or maybe his 290 IQ but either way Han Ro was born to do great things and his father knew of that and made sure to turn him in to the greatest weapon the world has ever seen.

Due to his unique genes which shows of the distinct characteristics of most of the worlds races, Han Ro was sent and trained all over the world. From the jungles of the Amazon,desserts of the Middle East, missions in Africa, or being in an American City, every mission Han Ro was always one step ahead of his enemies, even considering his age when he did those missions.

His last mission in China was the last mission his father sent him on, after this he decided to take a break and lay low for a few years, it was also necessary for him because in order to survive in the underworld he needed a stable cover in the mundane world, and he couldn't inherit his fathers position with a weakness of not having an identity in the mundane world.

Han Ro has 5 years to establish himself in the mundane world, he needed a high ranking job and enough power that allowed him enough freedom to conduct his dealings in the underworld. If you were raised in the underworld, one must do this once they reach a certain amount of influence, most of them chose politics, some built businesses but most don't even have the right to have names, just numbers.

Han Ro was excited, he always learned about the mundane world, trying to blend in with them but he always felt a detached to it as he grew up in the dark, now he finally gets to live one of his dreams of leading a normal life, of course he knew that he would never live a normal life and he is only doing this for him to have a cover in case things go side ways.

As he stepped out of his Mustang, he gave himself a look and patted his clothes, he always hated the suit and tie, so he always did his best to look as casual as possible even when doing under cover work that requires a 3 piece suit.

He wore black jeans, brown work boots and white T-shirt and a black designer jacket matched with an earing on his right ear, coupled with his extreme low fade and a messy top he looked like a model walking in the building with his military backpack and a very expensive Patek Philippe.

Every eyes were on him as it was mandatory for employees in the Thunder Group to look presentable at all times, so all of them chose to the typical office clothes, none of them had the guts to walk in for work looking like Han Ro, so they guessed that he was actually not an employee but a guest of the company, they just assumed that he is one of those rich heirs that are now trying to court their new CEO.

"Look another heir has walked up trying to seduce our CEO" whispered an employee.

"He is definetely 10 times hotter than the ones Boss Weiyi chased out this morning" added another.

"All of them came in a suit, he's the only one who showed up dressed like that, plus he looks like he has foreign blood on him" whispered another.

As all these gossip reached Han Ro's trained ears his eyesbrows knitted in annoyance as he heard men trying to court his woman.

Han Ro got in two hours early wanting to have lunch with Rouxi but he realize that he should have booked his presentation in the morning insteas of after lunch.

"Damn my laziness," muttered Han Ro as he reached the cafeteria.

He looked around and did not see Rouxi so he decided to just call her so they could have lunch.

"Hey babe, I just got in your building I'm on the cafeteria and I'm wondering if we could have lunch together" asked Han Ro.

"Not now I'm busy, I'll just see you during your presentation" answered Rouxi in a cold manner, of course he knew that she is just pretending but he still could not believe how different she is from the lovely girl he spent the weekend with.

"Alright I'll just eat here and go up later, I really miss you so I'll find a way to go to your office, I still have two hours till I need to meet your Uncle," he said and hung up even before Rouxi could reply, hatching a plan on how he could sneak up on Rouxi's office.

As he found the maintenance crews place, Han Ro heard a text message from his phone, and what he saw made him smile.

"Don't come here without permission, I'll send my secretary down the cafeteria to fetch you, I'll just make something up about why I need to see you what are you, tell what clothes you wearing so my secretary could spot you" -Rouxi

"Alright babe, I'm wearing the only casual clothes in hear, all your employees are wearing suits, by the way want me to get you something to eat?" -Han Ro

"Get me a salad and some juice, get something for you as well we'll eat lunch together, I really miss you, wait 15 minutes while I think of a good reason to bring you to my office," -Rouxi

This turned Han Ro's smile in to a dazling grin, instantly making all the ladies in the cafeteria fall for him, this in turn made Han Ro shy for whatever reason.

15 minutes later Xia Lin walked in the cafeteria searching for the man her boss described, but when she saw him she could not believe her eyes.

She thought she has seen handsome men, after all most of Zhou Rouxi's business partners and suitors are well maintained rich boys who had money to take care of themselves, but most of them are only 8-9 but the man he saw was a hard 12/10, but of course being a secretary of Zhou Rouxi she needed to embody her boss and be a cold and aloof person as well.

"Hello I am Xia Lin CEO Zhou asked me to bring you up to her office follow me," she said in a nonchallant manner, she then noticed that he is carrying 4 bento boxes with him.

"What's with the boxes? You could just eat after the meeting leave those here and don't be disrespectful towards CEO Zhou" she said angrily at him.

"Don't worry I won't eat infront of her, this is actually for a few friends of mine at the Dragon Cars branch they are busy so they asked me to fetch them lunch, don't worry I won't eat infront of CEO Zhou" he lied of course how could he tell her that he cooked up something especially for the cold CEO of this company.

Xia Lin did not bother anymore as she knew exactly that her boss never ate lunch unless its with a business partner or a family member, she usually just drank a fruit smoothie and continued working.

When they reached her office at the top floor, Han Ro was impressed when he walked in and saw that Rouxi's office is actually bigger than his house.

"Ma'am I have brought Mister Han as requested is there anything more you need?" asked Xia Lin.

"No more you can leave now thank you," Rouxi said without looking up, which was the normal way they interracted during working hours.

"Oh right I haven't introduced him yet, Xia Lin be familiar with Mister Han he is the new Chief Engineer with the joint military project Dragon Cars is launching" Rouxi said shocking Xia Lin.

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