The thought brought up the time when he explained to me what he did on holidays. He would most likely enjoy the company Olly spoke of as well since he was a horny dog.

As the other two said something about Olly's suggestion, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the school day. Olly dumped her tray as the other two left to go to their classes. Olly and I had the same first period together, which was math. We walked together to our class every day and sat in our assigned seats. She sat about four seats closer to the front than me, which made it difficult to talk when we wanted to.

Occasionally, Olly would throw paper balls at me that held messages in them. That almost always got us in trouble and we received lectures from our teacher. We got so used to them though that nowadays, we just shrug them off.

Slowly, students came and filled the seats of my classroom. The teacher, Mr. Taylor, was already sitting at his des while he shuffled through papers. When the last bell rang, he finished off flipping through the sheets for a few more seconds. After about a minute passed, a student came in.

Students weren't usually late to class but then again, Harbor Valley didn't care about tardiness as much as they should've. However, this student was always late and no matter how many times he was sent to detention, nothing changed his behavior. Eventually, Mr. Taylor got sick of it and just allowed Trey to come in late–though he was never late for over two minutes.

The only reason I knew about that particular student was because he was late every day. I would had to have been blind to not notice.

Olly had also spoken about him a few times to me, but I never really fully listened. All I remembered was that she had about two other classes with him and he was late to those classes as well. I had one class with him and he was also late to that one also. I don't know the reason why he was always late, but then I don't care either so it was none of my business.

Mr. Taylor sighed when the student walked in. "Late again, Mr. Crawford." He muttered under his breath but never really looked directly at him. The guy didn't respond and took his seat, which was across the room from me. Mr. Taylor finished looking over his papers and started class. "Alright guys, I've rearranged some seats for the new year, so please come up to the front while I give you your new desks."

Some kids groaned while others were relieved. I heard Olly's voice say, "Yes!"

The two of us stood next to each other at the front of the room, along with the rest of the class. We waited as Mr. Taylor pointed at a desk and called out the occupier's name. When it was my turn, Mr. Taylor pointed at the third row from the door and second to last seat.

"Willow Jannette." He said, and I walked to my seat as Olly stared after me with disappointed eyes. "And behind her will be..." Mr. Taylor referred to his chart. "Trey Crawford."

The kid who was late walked down the aisle and I glanced up at him. He was looking at me as he passed by, but I thought nothing of it. he took his seat behind me and the teacher continued.

"This seat will be empty." He pointed to the desk across from Trey and pointed to the one in front, being the one across from mine. "Here will be....Olly Benson."

When he said her name, he had a twinge of reluctance. Mr. Taylor probably had a hard time debating whether or not to place us together, either to stop our talking or start it. I think he made the right choice. If we're together, our conversations won't be as disrupting and our note passing won't be as obvious, especially since we were at the back of the class.

Mr. Taylor probably made the decision while muttering the words, what I don't see, I don't know.

"Yeah!" Olly shouted with a heavy voice, making a few students giggle and chuckle. She practically skipped through the aisle of desks and sat down at her designated seat. She then leaned towards me and had a cheesy smile on her lips. "Hi Willow."

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