A Wizard At A Supermarket

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Jarat: Dear me, what year is this? Have I gone so many years into the future? *sees a girl coming* You there, little girl! What year is this?

Girl: This is 2020, sir.

Jarat: 2020? My word! This isn't the medieval period, is it?

Girl: No. This is modern times.

Jarat: I see. *walks into a supermarket* Frosted flakes? What kind of cereal, I dare say? Oscar Meyer Lunchables? Never seen these before!

Boy: What's a wizard doing in this store?

Jarat: I'm from a different time, lad!

Boy: Where's your magic wand?

Jarat: Right here! *swings it around and accidentally turns everyone into stone* Oops! Oh dear!

Boy: *stares in shock with his mouth open wide* You turned my mom into stone! That was so cool!

Jarat: Ah, you liked that, eh?

Boy: I wish I was a wizard, just like you!

Jarat: You can be, if you believe! *winks*

This story was written on Thursday, February 6th, 2020.

A/N This story is dedicated to my best friend wanderingcyansocks for giving me this cool story idea! Thanks, babe! Love you to the moon! Follow her she's super awesome! Anyway, don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! 💚💛😘😋😘💚😘😘💚😘💛💛💛💙💙💙

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