| Chapter 7 |

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Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"I see you stole my look."

It was near dawn in Budapest, the sun not yet peeking over the horizon, and Yelena was right where Natasha knew she would find her. It was the same rooftop where they had last parted ways years ago, hopeful to never see each other again.

Yelena kept her back towards Natasha as she looked over the city. Nat slowly walked to her side, "Yeah, well, it was time to change it up."

"Mr. America, know you're here?"

Natasha smirked; Yelena's snark had not gone anywhere, "Not exactly," She had left Steve a note that something person came up and she would be back in contact when necessary. Natasha knew Steve trusted her, but she couldn't imagine him be thrilled with her disappearing in the middle of the night. She turned to face her former sister directly, "Why am I here, Yelena?"

"I've been hired to kill you."

Natasha stood there silently, nodding for a moment, knowing Yelena would never go through with that order, just like she never could. Out of all the other spiders in the Red Room, the two of them were the only ones that formed a real sisterly bond. Sure, they were frenemies, but they would never allow actual harm to come to each other.

Natasha turned back to face the horizon, the sunlight just starting to appear. For a moment, she was transported back to Wakanda and felt a twinge in her chest, "Who hired you."


This didn't phase Natasha in the slightest. On the contrary, she was more surprised that she hadn't hire someone to kill her sooner. Anya had always hated Natasha. She hated her for being the best in the Red Room, for the attention she got from Madame B, and for the protection she received from the Soldier, "Still yearning for mother's love?"

"So much so that she's following in her exact footsteps," Yelena turned her head towards Natasha, "Natalia, she's starting another Red Room."

Not many things truly catch Natasha off guard, but this was an exception. Her voice dripped with panic, "What? How?"

"Let's head downstairs for a drink. Vodka?" Yelena turned and headed towards the stairwell without waiting for a response.

"It's six in the morning," Natasha shouted at her.

Yelena continued to walk away but looked back over her shoulder, "I'll make us some toast."

Natasha followed her down to a beaten-up loft that was long past its glory days. The kitchen had broken tiles and peeling paint but looked freshly stocked with food. Yelena pulled down two glasses from the cabinet and a bottle of vodka, the good stuff. When it came to vodka, Yelena never went cheap. She scooted a glass towards Natasha, and they both took a slow sip. Yelena poured more into her glass and continued the rooftop conversation, "Anya brought me in as a trainer for what she is calling, the Dark Room. My plan was to derail it all by myself, but luckily she ordered me to kill you. Partly because she wants you out of the way, knowing you'd do everything in your power to stop her, and partly because she is testing my loyalty. So now, I have a partner to take down the Dark Room."

She pointed to Natasha and took another sip of her vodka. Without a word, Natasha walked over to the loaf of bread sitting on the counter and started cutting up thick slices, "You got a pan and butter anywhere in here?"

Yelena thinly smiled and pulled out a couple of pans and some butter and eggs from the fridge, "I make eggs; you make toast?"

The two of them worked side by side at the stove, making breakfast. No one said a word until the two assassins sat down across from each other at the tiny window table with their meal, "So, what is your plan?" Natasha asked.

"Take out Anya and whoever she's working with."

"But you don't know who?"

"No. She, wisely, doesn't fully trust me. So it has to be someone well funded, and I'm thinking Melina."

Natasha dropped the food that was nearly in her mouth, "I thought she was dead?"

Yelena shook her head and laughed, "We were all trained better than that; we never die," the expression on her face changed to a more serious one, "It wouldn't hurt having help, though."

"Steve and the others are underground for a good reason, and I'm not risking their safety."

"I wasn't referring to them," There was a long pause as Yelena studied Natasha's face. She raised her eyebrow, knowingly, "Where is he?"

Natasha shook her head, "Out of the question."

She had just confirmed everything that Yelena needed to know, "You've seen him." She stated, "How much does he remember?"

Natasha's eyes met Yelena's "Everything."

The room was filled with a poignant silence. Yelena might have been the only other person in the world to understand the joy and pain that James' recovered memory had brought Natasha. She spoke softly, "He would want to stop her."

Natasha knew there was no denying that, but she remembers what James had said to her that he doesn't want to fight anymore. Suddenly, she felt a warm hand on top of hers.

"Look, Nat, I know you want to keep him protected, wherever he is. I get it; I really really do but remember the hell we were raised in? What they did to us? The torture and the abuse. Having us fight to the death. How the Soldier nearly gave his life just to give you a chance to get out of there? Well, now a new group of girls is about to be torn from their families and put through the same horror show, and I know I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do everything in my power to stop it," There were now tears forming in the corner of Yelena's eyes, "And I have a feeling that you feel the same way."

She did feel the same way, and as much as Natasha wanted to deny it, she knew James would too. She pulled up her sleeve and pressed the Kimoyo bead that Shuri told her to. A hologram with a thirty-minute counted down hovered a couple of inches above her wrist, "I'll go talk to him, alone, but I'm not promising anything and not forcing him to do a thing."

Yelena's wide eyes were still on Natasha's wrist, impressed with the technology, "That's good enough for me."

"You'll hear from me in a few days," Natasha stood up and grabbed an unopened bottle of vodka from the cabinet, "I'm taking this with me."

Yelena looked amused, "My gift to you."

Turning to leave, Natasha looked around the grimy loft and turned back to her old friend, "Oh and Yelena, clean your safehouse. It's fucking filthy."

Yelena laughed, "Good to see you too, sis."

Natasha found her way back to the rooftop, taking in the hustle and bustle of the city that was now wide awake. She opened up the bottle of vodka and took a long sip.

Soon her Kimoyo bead counted down to zero, and she could hear the sound of a small jet starting to land but saw nothing. A moment later, a large gust of wind nearly blew her over. A black, two-person aircraft suddenly appear before her eyes.

"She never ceases to amaze me," Natasha whispered to herself.

The ramp lowered, and Shuri's familiar voice welcomed her as she climbed aboard, "I told you I would see you soon."

A/N: Well hello there! Who is pumped for the Black Widow movie!? If you can't tell, a few moments from the trailer inspired me for this update (also an Arrested Development moment)! Let me know what you think! 

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