| Chapter 9 |

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    Natasha had stayed

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    Natasha had stayed. For two weeks, she lived a life she had only dreamt of, with James right by her side. On a quiet piece of land, she awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and her love cooking in the other room, the smell of sweet herbs and spices filling their small space. Since her arrival, she had started to help James with chores around the farm. Her favorite being the time she spent with the chickens. After a few days, they had stopped pecking her, even allowing her to pet them. 

Shuri would check in on them every few days, always with a smirk of satisfaction on her face. Natasha found herself growing fond of it. But despite it all, there was a nagging in her chest, never letting her feel settled. It was Yelena, Steve, the people she left behind, and the promises unkept. 

She pushed those thoughts aside as she saw James standing over the counter, prepping her small plate of food. His hair in a low bun and beard freshly trimmed, he looked like a dream. Her presence pulled his attention, his lips turning into a small smile as he took in her still disheveled hair from the night before. Natasha slowly approached him, letting him soak in the sight. She gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before she moved to his lips. She could see the heat rise in his cheeks.

Slowly pulling away, James nodded to the food, "Eggs and bacon...for energy."

He grabbed his plate and headed outside. Natasha called after him, "Energy for the farm or for the bed?" She teased.

He looked over his shoulder with a smirk, "A bit of both."

Outside, the warm breeze swept across Natasha's skin, waking her up for the day ahead. The two of them sat together, enjoying each other's presence as they watched the sun rise above the horizon. As they finished their breakfast, James took her plate, giving her a kiss on the forehead as they got ready for the day's work. 

She grabbed the linen apron that hung in the kitchen and tied it around her waist, filling one of the pockets with feed for the chickens. James headed towards the goats, and she headed towards the coop. 

"Come and get it, chickies." She called to them.

The chickens chirped with excitement as she threw the food in their direction. As they ate, she cleaned the coop and collected the eggs. Half she would keep for herself and James. The other half would go to the usual group of kids that hung around the farm to share with their families. 

The sun started rising higher in the sky, and the kids gathered up in the large tree overlooking the farm. They hung on the branches, watching James move barrels of hay one-handed. She stopped for a moment just to watch. Shaking her head, Natasha laughed inwardly. Only a few weeks ago, she was doing the only thing she ever knew how to do; being the Black Widow. And now, there was nothing but peace and domestication. Something within her skin itched as her smile faltered. Natasha turned away and head back towards to cabin, but James had already seen.

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