| Chapter 6 |

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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

   It had been nearly a month since Steve and Natasha had reunited with Sam and Wanda. Two weeks ago, they had a close call with the United Nations in Spain while trying to stop a caravan of smugglers with Chitauri weapons. With the UN on high alert, Steve decided it was best to keep underground for a while. Luckily, Sharon had a safe house in a quiet village in Switzerland that she made available for them.

As much as Natasha knew it irritated Steve to stay in one place for too long, it was nice to find some form of routine again. So she had convinced Wanda to join her on her morning runs around the picturesque village. They would pass the small markets and cafe and make their way to the old dirt roads just as the sun came up and over the mountains. It reminded her of the little slice of heaven in France she had and found herself wondering if James was right, maybe she should stop running and settle down in a place like this.

"Something on your mind?" Wanda asked? Natasha didn't even realize she had slowed down until Wanda's voice broke the silence.

"Huh, oh sorry," Natasha stumbled as she came to a complete stop, "Mind just started to drift."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"No." Natasha sharply replied.

"Okay," Wanda slowly turned away with an eye roll, "You keep that wall up then."

"How do you and Vision work?" Natasha blurted out without even thinking. She instantly looked down, rubbing her forehead from embarrassment.

Wanda was clearly stunned as she whipped around with her eyes wide and mouth open. Natasha tried to recover as quickly as she could, "Not like that, I'm not Sam, I don't need to know about your...intimate moments," She said as she now stared up at the sky, "I just mean the distance and the politics of it all. I can't imagine it's easy."

Wanda slowly made her way next to Natasha, "It's not, and I won't pretend like we have anything figured out, but I care enough about him to try and figure it out," She paused as if deciding how deeper she wanted to go, "If you would have told me a few years ago that I would feel so deeply about a...well, about Vision, I would have thought you were insane but here we are. Sometimes you just don't have any say in the matter."

"Sounds incredibly frustrating."

"Oh, it is," Wanda replied with a small laugh, "but when you have that gut feeling about someone, it's worth it."

Suddenly feeling insecure and vulnerable, Natasha quickly tried to change the subject, "Okay, great, I love our little talks. Let's get back to running."

"No, no, no," Wanda grabbed Natasha's arm before she could start running again, "What's up with you?"

She stayed silent, not sure what to say but also wanting to spill everything. She looked everywhere but at Wanda, who could clearly tell her discomfort but wasn't going to let her off the hook.

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