| Chapter 10 |

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     The blonde in Natasha's hair had all but faded away, the length now past her shoulders

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     The blonde in Natasha's hair had all but faded away, the length now past her shoulders. Strands gently lashed her face as they drove through the chilled Norwegian landscape. Yelena was behind the wheel of the jeep, Natasha next to her with Bucky in the backseat, wearing the new arm that T'challa and Shuri had gifted him.

    The ride had been thick with silence and tension. Nerves were squeezing Natasha's chest as she thought of the betrayal Steve would feel. Only a few minutes away laid the safe house the others had been staying at, tucked away in the picturesque hills of Norway.

    Yelena could see the anxiety written on both of their faces, stealing glances whenever she could. Never the one to savor the silence, she itched to break the building suspense.

    "So let me get this straight," She kept her eyes on the winding road, "Rodgers has been Mr. Metal-Arm over here best friend since Hitler was around and has been your most loyal friend since Barton, correct?"

    Neither Natasha nor Bucky said a word, only grimly nodding. Yelena continued.

    "And he doesn't know that the Winter Solider trained us in the Red Room, let alone that you two snuck around, disobeying orders and falling in love," rolling her eyes at the sickening sentiment, turning her attention squarely onto Natasha, "And you kept your mouth shut as he continued to believe that his best friend was dead when you knew not only he was alive but what he was forced to become."

    Natasha looked out her window, unwilling to respond as her stomach turned. Yelena's gaze now met Bucky's.

    "And you, programming now removed and remembering everything, have still decided to keep the relationship a secret from him even though you have had your chances to tell him."

    Bucky's jaw twitched, mouth set in a frown. Yelena rolled her shoulders back, letting out an unamused laugh.

    "Whew, this is going to be fun; glad I have a front row seat."

    "Could you not?" Natasha demanded, "I've been dreading this conversation for years."

    "That's only made it worse."

    Natasha couldn't deny the truth in Yelena's words. If anyone held the blame in this situation, it was herself. Guilt swept over her, but it was a hard habit to break for a spy—keeping secrets. Holding what you held dear close to your chest was the best way to protect yourself.

    The weathered red cottage appeared in the distance, gray skies hanging overhead. A familiar figure sat upon the front steps, awaiting their arrival. Natasha looked to James over her shoulder, his eyes already upon her. He gave her a small smile of reassurance, but it did little to calm her nerves.

   Steve stood as they pull into the gravel driveway. His hands settled at his hips as they always did when something was eating away at him. 

   Yelena scoffed, "You can feel the self-righteous emanating from here."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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