Chapter 2 : Three steps back

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A/N: The bold text represents Pragya's chats while the italics one represents Abhi's.

The next day, Pragya was having lunch with her colleagues and kept stealing glances at Suresh. She had confessed to him that she loved him but assured him that she didn't expect a reply so soon. But it's been a month, how much more time did he need anyway? They had continued as their usual self- Talking,texting and never once letting their inner turmoil slip. But Pragya really wanted to know his answer. Pragya decided that a confrontation was much needed. So after their break when all her friends had walked off, she asked him to stay. He looked up at her. And both knew what was so pertinent to address at the moment.Before Pragya could say anything Suresh beat her to it.
"Pragya the truth is I don't love you. And I thought about it,I thought maybe I could learn to love you along the way. You see I loved someone but getting involved with you would only prove to be fatal to my heart. I'm sorry it's not you ..." Pragya had read enough books to know what this was.
As Pragya expected there was disappointment and sadness but she didn't feel heartbroken like her books always mentioned. Maybe she needed time to process as she could feel angry tears pricking her eyes. She managed to collect herself and asked him who was the person he loved. And his reply definitely shocked her.
"Bulbul? You love my sister? But she's married! Wait you are that Suresh? The one who was engaged to my sister. Oh my god!" Pragya definitely didn't expect that the day would turn out like this.
When Pragya had been doing her master's in the States. Her mother had informed her of Bulbul's engagement and asked her to attend it. But she was unable to. She had been waiting eagerly for the photos on the eve of Bulbul's engagement to see how Bulbul looked with her would be husband. But her mother had told that the engagement had not taken place as Bulbul was in love with someone else. But her mother couldn't accept her love and so she eloped. Growing up Pragya had been very close with Bulbul. But later owing to their polar personalities they weren't able to bond well and preferred to solve their problems without consulting the other but that didn't mean they loved each other any else. Pragya would do anything for her sister and she was sure Bulbul would do the same if the need arises. But it stung that she hadn't asked her opinion. But she had her blessings. And Bulbul had kept in touch. They talked twice a month. But never brought up her marriage or her broken engagement. She looked at Suresh to gauge his reaction. It looked like he knew that Bulbul was her sister. Why he failed to mention that fact was beyond her. But she didn't care about that anymore.
After the bizarre turn of events Pragya was emotionally drained. Just then her phone chimed. She looked at her phone it was the wrong number again.

So you were right. I did get the wrong number. But how can I be sure you won't sell my number to the paps for money.😕🤔

Sell your number? Why would I do that? It's not like you are a celebrity. Wait you are?

Wow like after all those clues I gave out unintentionally you still don't know who I am. It doesn't matter.Anyways the dinner went well and your role can not be downplayed so thank you.

Pragya definitely didn't remember him sharing anything with her about his identity. She immediately opened her chats to see if she had missed anything but she had deleted all the chats this morning.

Uh you're welcome I guess.
Pragya took out a book and started reading. She just wanted to escape from reality. She was embarrassed that she had misunderstood Suresh's care for her as love. She wasn't heartbroken per say,but he did mean something to her. Since she was a young kid she never took to rejection well but later got used to it. People would always call Bulbul more prettier and more talented and treated her as if she didn't exist. Her whole life she had lived in her sister's shadow and Bulbul was fiercely protective. Bulbul would always say she was the most wittiest person she knew and Pragya would retort that she didn't have the looks to match her intellect and the world had always been a little superficial. Suresh was just like her in many ways, - a nerd,an avid reader and she thought he would definitely see her for who she is. But it wasn't meant to be. The book wasn't taking her mind off things she decided to text Purvi who was like a sister to her and the one who had encouraged her to confess her feelings.

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