Chapter one: The Shift (Layne)

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During a cool autumn night, full moon risen into the clear, star-filled sky, the cool wind was blowing through the tall, multi-coloured red, orange and green trees in Oakley Ridge park. For a teenager who is 14, a walk in the park at night didn't seem too bad, especially with the lights that cascaded the park with shades of bright yellow and off-white light. The slight rustling of the tree's leaves and the way the shadows of the trees danced so gracefully with the light of the lampposts was comforting, but still normal. As Layne walked down the dirt road, a slight trudge in his step due to the mud from the rain, a few hours prior, his dark brown, oddly curly hair, black, short-sleeved sweater and purple shirt flapped in the breeze as it intensified, although his hazel-yellow eyes staying squinted from the wind, and his black jogger-jeans stayed almost perfectly still. His phone buzzed in his pocket as he rounded the corner, with his perfectly black shoes making a normal walking sound, as he reached in to check what it was, he rounded a corner to exit the park. He pulled his black phone with black phone case out of his sweater pocket, and to his surprise, it was Kaci. The phone begun to buzz again, with 2 more texts joining the first one. Layne opened the messages, they sounded very urgent. The first text "Layne, I think you should probably hurry home, I saw someone follow you a little while after you left my house." Layne was definitely slightly alarmed by this, he quickened his pace down the sidewalk, the lights switching from a yellow and white to a weak orange as he exited the park.

The trees were soon replaced with houses, and other buildings. He began to read the next text, making sure to keep an eye out for whoever was supposedly following him. The next text read "Layne, you should come back to my place, your house is further away than mine is, and that suspicious person who went after you into the park was definitely not slow." He decided to listen to Kaci for once and walk back into the park, not being too far along, he soon re-entered the park, and began walking briskly toward the other side of it. He read the last text that was sent, which said "Layne, text me back." Layne soon began typing as he re-rounded the corner he had turned around on a few minutes prior, typing "Okay, I'm just walking back through the park, I'll be at your place in a few. I'll be fine, I'm sure there isn't some suspicious person trying to follow me, I mean not in Oakley Ridge, surely, am I right?" He hit send as he made his way to the other exit of the park.

Kaci's house wasn't too far away now, just a block west. He began walking down the sidewalk, once again bathed in weak, orange light. Layne's phone buzzed again, probably Kaci. He opened the message and Kaci had said "okay, well you had better hurry up, guppy XD." Layne giggles at the text as he put his phone back in his pocket and walked over to Kaci's street, Aspen Drive. He quickly walked down the street as he neared Kaci's house. Her house was a perfect fit for Oakley Ridge, an outer colour scheme of off-whites and light shades of brown. The door was a nice white, not off in any way. As soon as he had reached the door, and was about to knock, Kaci had opened the door, looking calm, nervous and happy at the same time. She gave a hand gesture that meant to stay quiet, so Layne did. As Kaci looked around, albeit a little suspiciously, her green eyes darting back and forth along the street, she told me quietly to come in.

"Kaci, I swear, what is going on?" Layne said, a little sliver of worry in his voice, which Kaci noticed. "Just, let's go sit down in the living room. We have a lot more to talk about than we did earlier" Kaci said. She sounded worried so Layne obliged and followed Kaci into the living room. The living room was an off-white, similar to the outside, furniture consisting of an armchair and a couch, both a matching brown, a television with some movie disks on a shelf beside it, and a coffee table by the couches, a similar brown, but a little bit darker, due to being wood. Layne and Kaci both sat down, Layne on the armchair, and Kaci on the couch.

"Seriously Kaci, what do you wanna talk about?" Layne asked, some worry in his voice. Kaci responded with a question, "well, did you see anyone suspicious on your way here?" Layne shook his head no, as he was the only one in the park, and the streets were empty except for him. "That's good" Kaci replied, her voice and expression sounding and looking a little bit less worried. "I was probably being crazy when I said that, the person probably wasn't that suspicious, although it is odd that you didn't see them, they followed you into the park, and you didn't see them" Kaci remarked. "That is true, it is a little strange indeed" Layne replied. Just then, a knock was heard at the door, which was considerably odd, due to the streets being empty, it being so late and Kaci's family being gone for a few days. Layne and Kaci looked at each other, both each as concerned as the other. Kaci got up slowly, her blonde-brown hair not moving much in the process, she walked toward the door, turning the doorknob and opening the door quickly, with nothing but the empty, weakly-lit street of Aspen Drive as a sight through the door. She closed the door and said that we should go upstairs. Layne followed her as she walked up the stairs.

When Layne hit the third stair, a shocking pain shot itself through his body, like he was being ripped apart. He collapsed to the floor and almost lost consciousness from the pain. He could faintly hear Kaci's voice, but he couldn't tell what she was saying. Layne's vision slowly shifted from Kaci's house, to a dark red all around. He felt his bones break as his body slowly shifted to that of a wolf. Jet-black fur with red streaks, red eyes with slight gray lines in them, and larger than a normal wolf, due to being a werewolf. He thought that this is what a shift felt like, he had never shifted before, but he had been a werewolf for a while now. His vision went completely black and he lost consciousness...

Hey again, sorry for the length difference, although the length of this chapter will be the relative length of most others. Please feel free to give constructive criticism, and please don't fight in the comments, not gonna lie, nobody wants that. Stay magic!

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