The flower was easily crushed into a slight paste, it was crude and hurriedly done, but it would do the job. She silently apologised in advance to her unconscious comrade before gently placing her hand against his cheek, which was where most of the damage was. It wasn't pretty, or practical but it would soothe, hopefully enough for this to work and for him to survive. She, and everyone else, had clearly lost Oropher. They couldn't lose Thranduil too. That would be too much of a loss which would knock them all, what would they do? Honestly, what would they do, and who'd take charge? Legolas wasn't old enough, for one.

Liruliniel frowned, she needed to clear her mind as she slowed her breathing. "Menno o nin na hon, i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth." She whispered calmly, she didn't feel particularly calm. Inside there was a wave of emotions and feelings. Liruliniel rocked a little on her haunches, her hand pressing a little more against the sore skin underneath her palm. She tried to focus on the healing, not on the injury itself or who it was on. Liruliniel eventually pulled her hand away, she wiped it on part of her cloak and placed her hands on her knees, just watching and waiting.

Nothing happened. She inhaled shakily, she reached out with wavering hands. They skimmed over his features gently before pressing a finger against his neck. She leaned down and in, listening to his chest. There was a pulse, and he was breathing. She shot up, turning his face gently as she leaned over him. Brushing dirty strands of blonde hair out of his face, Liruliniel looked him over. He looked so pale, Thranduil was pale anyway, all of their kin were, but he seemed too pale. His breathing seemed laboured now that he seemed to be slowly trying to come around and wake up.

"Thranduil, I need you to wake up." Liruliniel whispered, keeping a hand gently on his good cheek. Though her hands eventually came to rest against his chest, the silvery armour underneath her palms felt surprisingly cold despite of the heat it had been near. The mud and dirt was brushed away idly, she was trying to distract herself a little. It wasn't helping as he continued to lay motionless. Liruliniel frowned, she even tapped his good cheek slightly, "Thranduil, I need you to wake up!" She said in a rushed whisper, pleading inwardly with him to just wake up, open his eyes, glare at her for daring to slap him. Anything, anything right now would be better than nothing.

Liruliniel could feel her eyes prickling, she was surprised really that tears hadn't appeared sooner. She guessed she was so focussed that the tears would come from whatever the outcome was of finding him. Now she had, it was sinking in. He was alive, yes, but he was unconscious. If a chancing orc happened to come across him and realised he was still breathing, they'd end him easily. Thranduil was powerless right now, and Liruliniel sat in the mud with the rain pattering down on her sniffing quietly.

What could she do? What could she do other than sit with him, hope that he'd wake and then go from there. Leaning over him, she kept one hand near his head and the other resting against his shoulder. She was shielding him from the rain, although that didn't stop Liruliniel's tears from still slipping and landing against his skin. She couldn't help it, nor could she stop it. "You have to wake up...what am I meant to do without you? I need you to wake have to wake up, you just have to, Thranduil..." Liruliniel said with a shaking voice. She couldn't keep her voice calm and strong, not while looking down at him in this state. "Please, Thranduil. Please, just open your eyes, please...I need you..." Liruliniel's shoulders shook as her eyes scrunched shut, fully aware to more tears escaping her eyes and trailing down through the dirt and blood on her face.

Hearing a sudden intake of breath, she opened her eyes and looked down. She whispered his name, only to put more force on his shoulder to stop him suddenly practically convulsing on the floor. The sound which came from him had her wincing, agonised. He sounded absolutely agonised, his screams and shouts blended in with everyone else's. He was just another exclaiming in pain before falling silent, and he did eventually grow still and silent. Although his eyes stared upwards at her, she still shielded him from the rain and looked at the eyes directed up at her.

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