"Louder" Enric said as he placed a hand over his shoulder.

"Izuku is a psychologist, a therapist. He is a pioneer-"

"Tell us something we don't know" Enric interrupted him.

Theo frowned. "If you would only let him talk..."

"He would never accept to stay on the other side of the desk, do you know what I mean?"

Theo nodded as he smiled down to him.

"He will let himself die if we do not make him reason with us" Jude said as if to underlying what he had just said.

"That would explain why he only wants to talk with me. He just wants medicines" Enric added.

"I just love how complicated he is!" Jude suddenly said as he grabbed the folder from Jude's hands.

"Are you sure you do not need assistance too?" Jude asked but a faint smile brushed his lips.

"This man is the key!" Jude almost shouted as he hold a picture of a man with a strange look: mismatched hair, mismatched eyes.

"What a nice looking case of heterochromia" Enric commented.

"Isn't he called Shoto?" Jude asked as he took the photo and looked at it.

"He certainly is. Izuku keeps calling him. keeps talking to him."

"Schizophrenia?" Enric asked noticing how delusions is a symptom.

Jude shook his head. "That is not his case. I have watched over him for weeks. I would say..."

"Psychotic Depression" Jude and Theo said together.

Enric sighed. "When will you two get married?"

"Fuck you too" Jude said holding his middle finger up.

"This might be the right answer..."

"To be called a psychotic depression major depression must be present along with delusions and/or hallucinations. If psychotic features are present, they must be either mood-congruent - having to do with typical depressive themes like personal inadequacy, death, or deserved punishment - or non mood-congruent, in other words, not involving the depressive themes. Typically, the psychotic symptoms have a depressive Theme... I think Izuku's might be regret, a sense of fault. He thinks to be the one to blame." Jude said as he looked through the DSM 5.

"Do you realize that..." Enric started.

"The suicide rate in people with psychotic depression, when they are ill and in their acute phase, is much higher than it is with major depression" Theo answered.

"I do know this and it scares me so fucking much" He added.

Jude got up and placed gentle hand over his shoulder.

"You are not alone in this"

Enric smiled.

"You truly aren't"

Theo looked up and thanked them for their hard work. The bags under his eyes made him look even more tired than he already was.

"He is trying to pull you down with him. Theo, be careful" Jude said as he look up at him.

"If i lose to him, we are all going down" He said finally realizing what kind of sick games he was playing. Theo did not realized the look the other two gave him, his vision was blurry. Maybe a tear fell down.


Welcome back to another chapter of No Man's Land 2. I decided to show something not so common to read in these type of fanfictions in which the psychological trauma is the main theme.

The suffering of the operators that help and try to cure the patients.

Being a psychologist is hard because you have to deal with so much pain and it is even harder when you can not control this pain. We will see a lot of tricks and games Izuku will play on Theo, the therapist. I hope you will find this interesting! I decided to create an equipe to help Izuku out.

It is so difficult to help someone who does not want to be helped.

What I decided to give to Izuku is probably one of the worst kind of Depression and i feel so bad. yet i was what would fit most.

I loved the quote i put at the start: "If i lose to myself, you won't mourn a day and move on to someone else". I just love how manipulative yet freeing it is. [Twenty One Pilots Neon Gravestones] 

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