Ch. 20 - Deadbeat Dad

Start from the beginning

They both smiled at me, but Heather answered first. "We would love that. Maggie has had a really hard time making little friends, so I'm glad she and Lucy hit it off so well."

We talked a little while longer before all of us decided to leave. Lucy and Maggie hugged one more time before I carried Lucy out to our car. It didn't go unnoticed that there was a strange man near us and I could feel Lucy tense up in my arms.

When I got a good look at him now that he was unfortunately closer, I couldn't help but recognize him, but I don't know from where. "Can I help you sir?" I ask the man.

*trigger warning*
He ignores me and is focused solely on Lucy. "Hi Lucy. How's my little girl doing?" She turns away from him and shoves her face in my neck before crying, "mommyyyy." You can tell he's confused. "Mommy? What kind of sick fuck is she?" He must be her father.

Now I'm pissed, "She is not a sick fuck. She was abused and raped. She needed someone to save her, but no you let it happen and you left her!" Amelia took Lucy from my arms and took her to the car while I talked to her "father".

He started again, "No daughter of mine is going to act like a fucking baby." I couldn't help but laugh. "Well it's a good fucking thing she's over 18 and no longer considers herself your daughter. She wants nothing to do with you."

He scoffed at me, "It's not like you can keep me from her, you and that other woman are just two dykes who are living their sick fantasy out through my daughter."

Now it was my turn to scoff, "Actually, I can keep her from you. I'm a highly decorated officer and if you step within 100 feet of my property or my family, I will not hesitate to bring down the entire police department on you. You may recall your ex-wife is in prison for 30 years for what she did to Lucy. You honestly should be there as well as an accomplice, but you just happened to have fallen off the face of the earth during her trial, so you lucked out. I wouldn't push your luck too far though, you will be behind bars just like her if you ever come near us again. And for your information, it's not a sick fantasy. Your daughter was so mentally, emotionally, and physically abused that she has to regress just to help her deal with the trauma. The trauma that you allowed to happen. Goodbye and if I ever see you again, you better run."

He still had some attitude in him, "Is that a threat?" I couldn't help but laugh, "You bet your ass it is," I told him as I walked to the car.
*trigger warning over*

Amelia POV

I make my way to the car with Lucy in my arms who is a sobbing mess. On my walk back, I'm trying to rock her while telling her comforting words, but nothing is working. I get into the backseat with her, and with her on my lap I begin rocking her back and forth and start singing Love Wins by Carrie Underwood to her.

Sometimes it takes a lot of faith
To keep believing there will come a day
When the tears and the sadness, the pain and the hate
The struggle, this madness, will all fade away, yeah

I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers
And I, I believe we're made to be here for each other
And we'll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah I, I believe in the end love wins

Her sobs have turned to cries and soon Mel is joining us. She looks so angry, I'm not sure I've ever seen her look like this. She drives us home quickly before reaching into the backseat to grab Lucy who is still crying her little heart out. "I don't know what to do Ame." She states with a broken expression.

I tell her to follow me and I lead her into the master bathroom because it has a big tub that fits all three of us easily. I start the water, get myself and Lucy undressed while motioning for Mel to do the same. Once the water is filled, I get in first and I have Mel hand me Lucy who attaches herself to the front of me, and Mel climbs in behind me.

I lean back into Mel which allows Lucy to be more on top of me instead of infront of me. She's not crying as hard now since the skin to skin is helping her, but I guide her head to my breast and she begins suckling on my nipple. Her sniffles stop and she completely relaxes against my body as I run my fingers through her hair and my other hand rubs up and down her back. Mel has a protective hold on both of us.

After awhile the water goes cold, so we all get out. I put on some shorts and a sports bra, Mel is in a shirt and boxers, and we just put a diaper on Lucy. Mel carries her to our bed in lays her in the center before we both climb in on opposite sides of her. She cuddles into me and Mel is holding her from behind.

I kiss Lucy's forehead, "I love you so much baby girl, and I'm so sorry for what happened today." "I love you too baby, and I will do anything to protect you," Mel chimed in. "After so much crying, Lucy finally talked. "I love you too momma, and I love you mommy. T'ank you for protec'ing me today." Mel and I both told her we always would before giving her another kiss on her head and we all fell asleep.

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