Ch. 10 - Christmas

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A/N: I promised fluff and I keep my promises even though I had something else in mind, I'll get to it eventually. Happy Holidays everyone!

Melissa POV -

It has been a few weeks since Lucy came to live with us and they have been the best few weeks of Amelia and I's lives. Lucy's room was officially set up about two or so weeks ago, but she will still occasionally sleep with us, especially nights that she has nightmares. We are hoping she is able to get past them, she really regresses with each one.

Some good news is that it is Christmas Eve! I don't think Lucy has ever had a Christmas really, so she is going to be very surprised when she wakes up tomorrow. We didn't really have an eventful day today, just kind of hanging around the house and relaxing. However, it is time for Lucy to have a bath, nurse, and go to sleep.

I got the bath ready before walking downstairs to see Lucy cuddling with Amelia. "Hey my two beautiful girls, I think one of you needs a bath." This caused Lucy to start giggling before pointing at Amelia, "She talkin to you Momma." Amelia pretended to mock offense, "Nu uh, she's talking to you Lucy Loo, I'm all clean."

"Alright, both of you children get upstairs. Lucy in the tub, Momma, you are helping me bathe." Lucy started to run for the stairs before I reminded her that we walk indoors. Ame came over and wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a soft gentle kiss, "I love you babe." Smiling into the kiss, I broke it apart and said, "I love you more. Now get upstairs," I said as I smacked her on her behind.

In the middle of washing Lucy, Amelia asked if she was excited to see what Santa brought her. "Ma, I know he's not real." I frowned slightly not realizing she came out of headspace, "Big you or little you knows?" She contemplated a minute before shrugging, "both." She seemed rather sad about it, so I gently rubbed my hand down her back. "Tell me about it?" I questioned.

Lucy POV

"My mother would tell me I was bad when I was younger and that's why I never got presents from Santa. Then one night, I think I was about 6 or so, she got drunk and told me that Santa wasn't real and that she didn't buy me presents because I was bad and she didn't love me." I said while playing with one of my toys. It was weird still playing with my toys and being bathed while not being little, but I just felt like I couldn't be little right then and there.

Mom spoke first, "Honey I am so sorry. I wish I could go back and change what happened to you, but I know that I can't." Ma spoke next, "Do you still want us to pretend for little you though?" I thought a minute before shaking my head. "No, I think I would appreciate it more knowing the presents come from my real moms, the ones who actually care about me and love me."

Amelia POV

I'm crying right now because Lucy just called Mel and I her real moms. Even though she was wet from the bath, I reached in and hugged her. "We do love you, we love you so much baby." She hugged me back before telling us both how much she loves us.

Mel got her out of the tub, dried, pull up on and dressed, while I made my way to her nursery. My milk has come in by now, so every night and every morning Lucy nurses with me in her nursery. Mel doesn't have milk, but she will nurse Lucy before lunch and before her afternoon nap depending on her work schedule. We are debating if I will continue to work part-time or stay home full-time with Lucy. There hasn't been a reason for me not to work still as our schedules have lined up perfectly so far, so unless something were to happen I'll continue working because it is nice to have some extra money.

I'm lost in my thoughts as I sit in the nursery rocker until my little Lucy runs over yelling momma. I quickly pick her up and she settles into my lap waiting for me to release one of my breasts. As soon as I do, Lucy begins suckling while kneeding my other boob. I was awfully worried when we began talking about breastfeeding because I heard how painful it can be if a little doesn't know how to latch properly or if they suckle too hard. However, I have been extremely lucky with Lucy because it came naturally to her and it hasn't been painful at all.

I look down at her to brush some hair out of her face and notice she's no longer suckling and is asleep. I carefully lift her up and place her in her crib. Giving her a kiss on the forehead I tell her I love her.

Christmas Morning

Lucy POV

It's Christmas morning and I honestly don't know what to expect. I've been up for awhile now, but haven't called for my moms to come get me. I'm still in that middle space of wanting to be little, but being big instead and it's really bugging me.

I hear a knock on the door before I see mom, "good morning baby girl, how long has my princess been awake?" Not wanting to tell her I just shrugged before making grabby hands. "Too tired to talk this morning?" Nodding, I snuggled back into her chest a little before she placed me on my changing table. She changed my pull-up and then held up a onesie that said "My first Christmas!" She held it up and asked if she could put it on me. I gave her a small smile and nodded hoping this would be able to push me over the edge to be little.

Placing me on my hip, Mommy carried me downstairs where Momma was already waiting. Still not up for talking, I just made grabby hands at momma to show that I wanted to say hi. Momma quickly grabbed me and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "good morning sunshine, did you sleep okay?" I nodded my head once more. Momma sort of made a look of concern to mommy before quickly skipping ahead to the next thing.

Amelia POV

I noticed Lucy hasn't said anything so far this morning, so I gave a concerned look to Mel who just shook her head. Not wanting to worry Lucy I quickly distracted her with her presents. She opened them all one by one and started getting happier and happier with each gift she opened.

Finally she got to her last present when she finally talked, "it anotha elephan!" Relieved she was talking again I spoke, "yes baby it is! Remember this is Ellie's cousin that we ordered? What do you want to name him or her?" She tapped her finger on her chin before saying, "hmm how 'bout Emma?" Mel quickly spoke, "that's a perfect name little one."

Lucy left Emma on the floor before coming over to Mel and I and hugging us. "T'ank you mommies, I wuv it all, you sure it not too much? And I sowwy I not get you anyting." Mel smiled softly at her before breaking from the embrace. "Nonsense little one, the love you give us is more than enough for us. It's not too much baby, you are worth all of this and so much more. We hope to show you that." Amelia seemed a little teary eyed from the exchange. "Exactly, we love you so much and want to give you as much as possible."

Lucy POV

We spent the rest of the day eating and watching cartoon holiday movies. It was one of the best days I have had in a very long time. Having my new stuffie Emma really helped and being cuddled right in between my mommies helped even more. I wish I had Ellie with me though, she would love them and her new cousin Emma. "Mom? Ma?" They both glanced down at me with smiles, "yes baby?" They somehow answered simultaneously, "I love you guys, thank you for today and all you have done for me. It means so much." They both squeezed me before telling me they loved me too.

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