10 | Inevitable

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Harry barely glanced at her as he shrugged uncomfortably. Yes, I am."

"In that case, this is on the house."

"That's really not necessary."

She touched his arm where Draco's hand had rested a few seconds earlier, and Harry flinched, reluctantly looking up at her.

"Of course it's necessary. You saved us all from you-know-who. I wish I could give you more than a free meal and drink." She drew out the word 'more,' biting her lower lip and batting her eyelashes. "My shift ends in fifteen minutes, you know..."

Draco watched the exchange, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Harry's response to the waitress was polite, but firm. "I'm not interested, but thank you for bringing us our drinks." He gave her a slightly forced smile in an attempt to soften the clear dismissal.

The waitress huffed. "Fine." She spun on her heel and walked away.

Harry took a sip of his Firewhisky and turned back to Draco, looking annoyed. "Sorry about that. I don't know why..." He waved a dismissive hand at the waitress's retreating back.

Draco stared at him incredulously. He knew precisely why the woman had come on to Harry, and it wasn't just his fame. It was those muscular shoulders and arms, tugging at his long-sleeved black tee. It was his emerald eyes, disarmingly bright behind his glasses. It was that charming crooked grin... Once again, Draco forced himself to focus and respond. He coughed. "Does that happen a lot?"

Harry sighed. "Yeah, but I really wish it didn't."

"You're not interested in her? I mean, she was... pretty." Draco had to choke the last word out. He turned away, trying to conceal his emotional response.

The discernible jealousy in his voice gave Harry the sudden burst of Gryffindor courage he needed.


The blond fought to reign in his emotions, attempting to compose his face into an apathetic expression before looking back at his friend.

"Draco. Please look at me." Harry leaned close again, placing a hand on his cheek and turning his head, forcing Draco to make eye contact. Harry's viridian eyes were shining, and Draco's heart began to race as he looked into them.

"I already know who I want," Harry said softly.

"Who do you want?" Draco whispered, hope and longing rising up in his chest.

Harry lightly brushed his fingers over Draco's cheek.

"You, Draco. Just you."

"I want you, too," Draco breathed, suddenly feeling rather light-headed at the sight of Harry's soft smile as he leaned in.

He closed his eyes as Harry brushed his lips against Draco's in a slow, sweet, breathtakingly tender kiss.

Draco couldn't help the needy sound that escaped him a moment later. He ran his tongue over Harry's lower lip, begging for entrance. The raven-haired man responded beautifully, cupping his jaw with both hands and tilting his head to deepen the kiss, allowing Draco slip his tongue into his mouth and explore. Harry groaned softly as their tongues tangled together and Draco clutched the front of his shirt, pulling him impossibly closer across the little table between them.

In the kitchen doorway, a glass shattered in the hands of their waitress. "Told you they were on a date," her coworker crowed happily, snapping a picture. "Think the Prophet will give me some money for this?"

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