Chapter 1

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---before i start, i just wanted to say that i'm an amateur writer! this is my first time using wattpad to write, despite the number of stories i've read on here. it might be that I get apathetic with this story, but if enough people say they like it, that would be enough motivation for me to continue !

i also want to clarify, there's a reason I didn't classify this as a romance, because it isn't, really. just a warning: if you came for that, maybe bc you saw the hearts on the cover, that's not the main point of this story. but anyway, I hope you enjoy! I'm open to constructive criticism.---

oh! P.S: there will be some cussing, if you're uncomfortable with that, i recommend not reading any further :)

i may or may not censor it, idk
(edit: i did not :D)

-Skye's POV-

"Miss Jacobson. I don't understand. You've always been such a good student, but this-?" Mrs. Phillips shakes her head in disappointment. 

"But, ma'am-" I protest, growing frustrated. The bell rings to signal the end of third period, and the rest of the class files out the door as I stand across from my English teacher.

"I will hear not another word out of your mouth. Wipe this" - she gestures frantically at the desk between us - "up, and see me for detention after school." Mrs. P purses her lips and walks back to her desk as I head over to the pack of Clorox wipes in the back of the room, seething. I didn't do anything wrong! Some asshole thought it would be funny to draw obscene doodles all over my desk, with a Sharpie, and somehow Mrs. P deemed me stupid enough to do that to my own desk. 

I rip a few wipes out of the pack, taking my anger out on them as I furiously swipe them across the desk's surface. It seems like no matter how hard I scrub, the Sharpie drawings only seem to get brighter, almost like they're taunting me. Tired from getting about six hours of sleep the previous night - due to staying up watching dank memes -, I decide to sit down as I scrub.

Soon, I manage to clear off most of the scribbles. By then, the next class has already gathered inside Mrs. P's room, and the late bell rang. I hurriedly finish the job, and stand up quickly to go throw away the wipes. As I stand, I get a sudden rush of dizziness and I have to grab on to the nearest chair to steady myself. Oh. That's right. I've practically been inhaling Clorox for the past five minutes straight. My head continues to throb as I toss the dirty wipes into the trash can, get a pass from Mrs. P, and legit sprint to fourth period.

As I turn a corner, I barge directly into something. "Oomph!" Make that, someone.

"Oh! Shit, I am so sorry," I say, backing away from them. "I was just in a hurry to-" Well. I'm positively fucked. "M-M...Mr. Ong! My deepest apologies, sir, I-" I start to sweat.

The principal gives me a look that I can only guess means; you are an absolute buffoon.

"Why, exactly, were you running?"

"Oh, you see," I took a few more steps back. Why are principals so intimidating? "you see, Mrs. Phillips wanted me to stay after class, and then the bell rang, and so I was late, and so she wrote me a pass-" I notice I'm babbling, and stop. "He-here! I have the pass."

I thrust the late pass signed by Mrs. P at Mr. Ong. He glances at it, then back up at me before snatching it from my hand.

"I see. I see, well...this seems valid." He reaches out to hand it back to me, but as I attempt to grab it, he pulls his hand back. "However!-" The fuck man, just let me go or arrest me. I want to go to my next class! "I'm afraid your use of profanity was uncalled for, and inappropriate. As you know, we here at Sun Valley High have a zero tolerance policy regarding all misdemeanors. Therefore, I must give you detention." 

Bruh, I never saw that in the Code of Conduct you creeps hand out at the beginning of the year. Nowhere in that thing did it say anything about cussing meaning you can give me detention.

"The thing is, Mr. Ong...I already have detention."

He raises an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yes. With Mrs. P."

"Well." A grin spreads across his face, and I feel a shiver go down my spine. "You'll just have to stay double then."

"Stay double?!" Is this man insane? "You mean...stay two hours after school? I have a life, Mr. Ong. I have things to do after school. Including homework! You wouldn't want me not to do my homework, would you, Mr. Ong?"

"I'm sure you'll find the time, Miss Jacobson." He does that stupid grin again, and pats me on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'll find the time."

Two Hours LaterWhere stories live. Discover now