9 | Healing & Hope

Start from the beginning

He walked over to Harry and extended a hand, "Need help up?"

Harry shook his head and patted the grass again. "You need to see this."

Draco shrugged and sat down beside him, gingerly stretching his legs out and laying down with his arms behind his head. "Wow."

The sun had gone down now, and the stars were unbelievably bright.

Harry turned his head to look at him. "Incredible, isn't it?"

Draco's mouth was parted slightly, his eyes wide with wonder. Harry felt the overwhelming urge to lean over and kiss him, but he pushed it away.

"You're named after a constellation, right?"


"Can you see it right now?"


"Show me."

Draco pointed out the stars that made up his namesake. "It's a dragon."

"A dragon, huh," Harry teased, "You're sure it's not something else? I don't know—Maybe a peacock?"

Draco shoved his arm playfully. "It's a dragon, you prat!"

Harry chuckled and sat up. "Okay, okay. Hey, you want a drink before you head home? I have Butterbeer. And I could show you my new place?"

Draco was surprised, but pleased, by the invitation. "Sure."

Despite all the time they'd been spending together, they hadn't been to one another's flats since they'd gone to lunch four and a half months earlier.

Harry held out a hand. "I can Apparate us there."

Draco took it and they whirled away, landing in a semi-dark hallway in front of a door labeled "Number 10."

Harry let go of Draco and waved his hand to remove his Wards, then pulled out his keys and manually unlocked and opened the door.

"Come on in."

Harry's new flat was modest, but clean and comfortable. The decor was minimal. White walls, with a few paintings strategically placed. Draco noted that none of them moved. Muggle artwork. The only moving photos were in frames on the fireplace mantle.

There was a large kitchen to his left, and a comfortable living area to his right. Draco could see Harry's bedroom through the open door. It was also tidy, his bed neatly made.

In a corner next to a window sat a large potted tree. In it, a brown spotted owl was watching them closely. Draco jumped when she suddenly flew to Harry's shoulder. He stroked her head affectionately as she nuzzled his cheek and nipped at his ear. "Henrietta," Harry smiled, "You're ready for a hunt? Yeah?"

Draco watched him walk over to the window and open it. The owl took off, quickly fading into the distance.

Watching Harry interact with something so gently—so lovingly—left Draco speechless. He couldn't help wondering what it would feel like to be loved by Harry Potter. 


Draco shook his head, recovering quickly. He raised an eyebrow. "Henrietta?"

Harry smiled. "Yeah, I let Ginny name her when I got her, but I suppose it suits her." Harry paused. "So, Butterbeer?"

Draco shrugged. "Sure."

"I'll grab them. Make yourself comfortable."

Draco walked over to the sofa and sat down on the edge, taking the opportunity to examine the photos on the nearby mantle more closely.

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