- whoa! We even got Alya in this conversation. I'm loving this!

- Alya? The creator of this app? You were close with Marinette, right? Do you perhaps know where she could have gone, or where she might be right now?

- Adrien?

- yes.

- isn't she in Paris? I'm coming back in Paris in less than two days. What, is she missing? Where did she go?

- I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out. But you're definitely right about what you said to Chloe. Thank you for standing up for Marinette like that. Now I can see why you're her best friend. I really appreciate it.

- well, if BOTH Adrien and Alya are against you, Chloe, then it must be that you're the one who's at fault here. So you've really been tortuing Marinette as they say? I may not go to your school, or is close to you, but one day you will be stopped. One day you will stop boasting about being the Mayor's daughter, because being the Mayor's daughter means NOTHING! sure, you're rich, but so what?! Not everyone needs money to have happiness, and if you're bullying your classmates, then I doubt you even have happiness. You're just trying to make others feel weak because someone else made you feel like that. You want everyone to see you as the queen, because someone else made you feel like a loser. You torture Marinette to make her think she has no one, only because someone else made you feel like you were alone. You're not bullying for fun, Chloe. You're doing all this only because someone else did it to you first! You're doing this because you're hurt!

- I. . . never even thought about that.

- bullies only do these things to make themselves feel better.

- Marinette is Missing?!?!?! Why is no one talking about this?!?!?!

- because I'm over here wondering where she could be right now?

- when did she go missing?

- the baker's daughter? Where could she have gone?

- maybe she left because of Chloe! Maybe she got tired of all the bullying that she decided to leave Paris. She may be at a different city now. We're never going to see her again!

- I never even got to apologize to her for everything I did. I feel extremely bad. I just got so caught up with Chloe's fake story that I didn't even think. I feel like such a loser!

- well, you can still turn this around. STOP. CHLOE!




Chloe switched off her phone once she saw that things had gone extremely bad. Yes, she had read the story that had supposedly been written by Adrien. Yes, she has tried to get other people to be on her side, but that had failed terribly. Alya? Chloe thought she had already gotten rid of Alya, but now the girl was coming back?? Why?!

And Adrien. . . Adrien, you're so stupid? You dont open your eyes and realize what's going on around here. You're so stupid. I hate you!! Chloe grabbed her pillow and flunged ut over at the wall. Now everyone saw her as a liar. How were they going to look at her when she came to school tomorrow? What were they going to say?! Just how many people were going to go against her?!

The door to her bedroom opened and her friends walked inside. Sabrina had on a terrified face while Lila didn't look scared at her, as if she didn't care that Chloe was getting attacked. Or maybe it was because she didn't know about what was going on. Either way, Chloe was still mad.

"Chloe, what did you do? Why did you even go and do that?" Sabrina yelled out, and Chloe widened her eyes. Sabrina was scolding her?! Just because she was weak right now, everyone thought they could speak to her in such a manner? Chloe sent a glare over towards her friend, and Sabrina instantly shut up.

"I tried getting people on my side, that's what?!" Chloe yelled, grabbing the pillow from the floor. "And Lila, why the hell do you not have a look of pity on your face?!"

Lila fliched and looked at her. "Ah. . . Sorry, I was just thinking of something else-"

"Something else?!" Chloe slammed the pillow against Lila's face. "I'm having a crisis here, you're supposed to be helping me, and you're thinking of something else? Lila, what is wrong with you? You do know that if you continue to do this, you won't be my friend anymore, right?"

Lila looked at her, but Chloe noticed she didn't even look horrified by the news of Chloe not being her friend, almost like she didn't care at all. "You did something," Chloe pointed an accusing finger towards her face. "What did you do and why?! Lila, tell me what you did right this instance!"

"Chloe. . ." Lila looked like she wanted to say something, but then she just shut her mouth again and turned around, leaving the room. Chloe stared with widened eyes, and she clenched her fists once she knew what was going on.

Lila is against me now!

Because He Loved Me FirstWhere stories live. Discover now