Chapter 2 - Dreaming of You

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"Ow! What was that for?!?" I shrieked.

"Oh. Just to make sure you still know the difference from a dream and reality."

"I know. It's just that when I'm with him in a dream, I don't wanna ever wake up," I said dreamily.

"Someday you'll get to meet him and you can live out all those dreams and fantasies," she told me.

For some reason, something about her words seemed prophetic. It was as if she knew something I didn't. But then again, I'm just weird like that and may be overthinking things. "Can't wait," I sighed.

One of the jocks walked straight into us and almost knocked us off our feet. My bag fell from my shoulders and my things spilled on the floor. I quickly bent and picked everything up before anyone could purposefully trample on it.

"Nerds," the jock said as he shook his head and then strolled off.

Claudine rolled her eyes and I did the same. "Don't mind them, C." I advised as we picked up my things.

Claudine sighed but said nothing else. Then, we both made our way to class and sat down on the desks which were located on the farthest corner of the room. When we stepped inside, there was silence which was followed by whispers and laughter.

"What's with the wardrobe, freak?" one of the girls shouted as she pointed at me. The entire class snickered. My clothes were hand me downs from my foster parents or my foster sisters. Sometimes what I wore belonged to another decade. But I'm not complaining. It's enough for me that I have clothes that protected me from the harsh elements.

Besides, these are vintage and someday, they'd be in style again.

"Your attitude's so ugly that when you died and went to hell, Lucifer made you his queen." Claudine retorted. The entire class laughed harder and the girl who insulted me immediately turned red and walked out of the room.

"Thanks, C. You know I love you." I winked at Claudine.

"I know. But no offense, what's with the cap today? And why are you wearing bell-bottom pants?"

I winced as she looked at me from head to toe. "The pants are the only clean ones I have. As for the cap... Yeah. No other excuse. I swear my hair is getting paler as the days pass. It looks almost white today. I don't want people giving me more attention because of my hair," I replied.

"They're just jealous coz your hair is so gods-damned gorgeous," Claudine said.

"You wish," one of the snob girls retorted.

"Nah, bee-yatch. You wish," Claudine shouted. I laughed out loud at that one and if glares could kill, I'd be dead by now.


"Settle down class," Mr. Grier, our English Literature teacher, said as he entered the class. He squinted his eyes and scanned the room. Claudine rolled her eyes. Mr. Grier did this thing every single time. He looked at us as though we're all guilty of murdering someone and that all his glaring could make everyone confess and all our souls be purified.

He started doing his roll call. "Aerith Saunders?"

I raised my hand and replied, "Here." The professor looked at me and said, "You know hats aren't allowed inside. Take that off."

I groaned and panic instantly flooded me at the thought of removing my hat. If I removed it, I'd just be subjecting myself to more taunts from the class. But I had no choice. I removed my hat and my pale, platinum-blonde curls came tumbling out.

"That's more like it. You're beautiful, Aerith. Don't let them tell you otherwise," Claudine whispered to me with a wink.

"You wish!" Sarah hissed. She high-fived one of her blonde crones while the others threw back their heads and laughed like she just said the funniest joke in the entire world. Their laughter was all fake just like their tan, their eyelashes and their lip fillers.

How To Be A Queen (Myths Finding Love #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ