Chapter 2 - Dreaming of You

Start from the beginning

I felt a pinch in my arm and my eyes flew open.


"You are going to be late!" my foster mother shouted.


It was only a dream! I groaned as I rolled over the bed and kicked at the sheets. Damn it! We were just getting to the good part! It really was one very delicious dream. I groaned again as I covered my face with my hands. I'd give everything I have – which is not much by the way – just so I could sleep again and continue where the dream left off.

My foster mother had the most horrible timing in the entire world! My handsome dream guy was about kiss me! No one had ever kissed me in real life so that dream kiss was something good that I was not going to be able to get in reality.

It was always him in my dreams. He always took the role of the leading man in all of my dreams and fantasies. Whatever it was, be it horror or romance or comedy or me fantasizing about the new video game, manga or book I read, he was there.

Whenever I closed my eyes, it was this handsome, dark-haired, grey-eyed man I saw. I named him Ezio, like the one from the game Assassin's Creed which is one of the games I loved with my whole life.

"Get your ass off that bed and shower now!" my foster mother shouted again. This time, I rolled off my bed to avoid angering her again.

I really didn't want an argument so early in the morning. And besides, if she got mad, I won't be getting any breakfast along with my allowance for the day. After stretching, I went through my morning routine as fast as I could. I was downstairs and dressed in record time. I went to the dining table but there was nothing and my foster mother only glared at me.

Well, I guess that means no breakfast and allowance for me today.

I sighed and headed towards the door. It's a good thing I saved some from my money yesterday. I think it could still buy me a decent lunch today.

"Bye, Cathy!" I called out to my foster mother and then went out the door and grabbed my rusty old bike. I made my way to school with the dream still lingering in my mind.


As I was locking my bike in place with a thick chain, a tall girl with blue eyes and blonde hair bumped into me. I winced as I felt her elbow dig into my ribs.

"Ow, watch it freak!" the girl said as she pushed me away. The action made me stumble and I almost fell on the pavement. "Sorry Sarah," I muttered. Even if she was clearly the one who bumped me, if I did not apologize, she would just make my life a lot worse that it already is.

I kept my head bowed as she glared at me. After a few seconds, she walked away while muttering something about flat-footed freaks.

"Aerith! Aerith!" my friend, Claudine, shouted as she ran across the school parking lot towards me.

"Hey!" I greeted my friend with a grin.

"I've finished playing Resident Evil 6 on my Xbox last night! Man, I loved it. I absolutely adore killing those freakin' zombies even though they really did scare the crap outta me too!"

"Glad you've finished it, so which campaign did you like best?" I asked.

"Definitely Leon's. He's just like so hot. His hair is commercial material, you know? He shoots and kills and it's as pristine and shiny and soft as ever. Just sayin." Claudine shrugged and I just couldn't help but laugh.

"Chris is definitely more buff though. Love those muscles. Oh and speaking of hot guys, guess who popped into my dream last night?"

My friends' eyes narrowed. "Who else other than your beloved Ezio?" She replied and then pinched me on the arm.

How To Be A Queen (Myths Finding Love #1)Where stories live. Discover now