The Lies of a Demon

Start from the beginning

Each word pummeled my heart like a ten stone brick as it dropped from her curved lips with such satisfaction, and suddenly, my breath was catching in my throat, and the man's hands were once again shoving me forward, and Clary was reaching for my wrist, her long fingers cold as they wrapped around my forearm, and she's raising, slowly, my exposed hand toward Sebastian's pale, glimmering flesh, and suddenly, I am fighting, pulling against her, my voice torn from my throat as I started to scream.

"You bitch! Stop! I won't touch him! You'll have to kill me first!" I writhed in the man's grip, but I couldn't break free of Clary's iron hold on my arm, and as I desperately curled my fingers into my palm, trying to lengthen the ever decreasing distance between my fingers and Sebastian's skin, I felt as if I was choking on everything I had just learned.

Sebastian let me touch him. And he wasn't safe from me, he never had been. He had lied. He had used copious amounts of will and power to keep himself safe from me, simply so that I could experience the feel of human skin beneath my fingertips. Why would he do that?

Why? Why? Why?


I stopped my frenzied, useless movements instantly at the sound of his voice, low, velvet, calm, as he said my name, and flicking my gaze up to his, his pupils wide, irises swirling dark crimson, I felt my breath return to my chest.

HIs lips curled, into the smirk that I knew so well, yet there was something almost gentle behind his intense gaze, as he murmured, "I'll be fine."

I realized, standing there, staring up at him, that Clary's movements had ceased, and though her fingers were still wrapped firmly around my wrist, she was still, staring with interest, first at Sebastian, and then me, before she threw her head back and started to laugh.

The sound was loud, echoing off the walls of the ballroom, and demented, crazy, almost, as she finally released me, stepping back slightly as she held her arms out wide at her sides, eyes large with discovery, as she cackled out, "Holy shit. You care about him. You care about the demon." She laughed again, ducking her head for a moment, knife still held firmly in her hand. "Well, this is a development I did not see coming."

I stood, waiting for her to finish, motionless, in front of Sebastian, the man hovering at my side, yet not grabbing me, waiting for his mistress's commands.

Finally, Clary collected herself, and wiping at her eyes, mirth still evident in the lines around her mouth, she let out a long breath, sharp eyes refocusing on me, as she said smoothly, "This changes everything. Tell me, (F/N)." Clasping her hands behind her back, she began to pace the small length of the floor in front of me. "What would you do to keep the demon safe? What lengths would you go to to make sure I keep him from harm?"

"I'm not playing your sick game, Clary." I spat out, eyes following her movements warily, panic slowly beginning to fill my throat at her incessant line of questioning about Sebastian. "I'm not a pawn for you to use for your own amusement."
"You realize," She continued, steepling her fingers in front of her face, as she continued to pace, stepping around the congealing puddles of Sebastian's blood that darkened the floor. "That as a demon, he feels no emotion? That he will never, ever, care about you in return?" She paused, coming to stand in front of me once again, eyes darkened with deranged interest. "You realize, that though you say you are not my pawn, you are most definitely one of his, yes?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line, refusing to answer her question, and after a moment of silence, she sighed heavily, twirling the dagger between her fingers, watching the metal flash in the candlelight before she said, voice lowered, "Fine. Let's play another game then." Her gaze met my own, her expression unreadable. "The dagger he gave you. Retrieve it."
"How do you know about that?" I asked in disbelief, hand dropping down to my thigh and going protectively over the dagger hidden there.

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