"Even though I'd 110% prefer Parker, Sam would be fun too." She shrugs.

I poke my head out of the kitchen and ask, "Hey Ollie, can Sam come over too?"

He raises his eyebrows immediately.

"Isn't he the dude you hated?"

"Yeah, but we've made amends and he's nice now. If you want references, all the boys besides Ricky have met him and he's friends with Leo. He's nice." I assure him, nodding.

"Emmett, what're your thoughts on Sam?" He asks, turning and looking at Emmett, who has his head down as he scribbles something onto his notebook.

"The kid's okay. I'm alright with it as long as Leo or someone else is present at all times. It's not that I don't trust him or Mouse, it's just that I don't want to make a habit of having her in a room alone with a boy. Not exactly my cup of tea." He replies, backing me up.

Ollie lets out a loud sigh before nodding.

"Sure Mads, but he has to leave by at least ten thirty, eleven at the absolute latest."

"Thanks," I call, walking back into the kitchen.

I grab my phone and call Sam.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi, so Leo and I are hanging out, y'know, baking cookies and playing monopoly and shit, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over? Ollie says we have to kick you out by ten thirty or eleven, but you could stay for dinner and stuff, I don't know." I reply, grabbing the butter from the fridge.

"Uh, yeah, sure. When should I come over?"

"I just started baking the cookies, I'm teaching Leo, so whenever is fine." I say, putting the butter in the microwave for twenty seconds.

"Cool. I'll be over in a few minutes. Should I bring chips or something? I don't know, Mom's drilled in me it's rude to go over to someone's house without a snack."

"You don't have to bring anything, we're all good." I say with a laugh.

"Alright. I'll see you in a few."

"Kay, bye." I murmur, hanging up.

I take the buteter out of the microwave and turn around, walking to the mixer.

"He's coming?" Leo asks.

"Yep, he'll be over soon." I tell her, nodding.

I teach her the steps of baking cookies, just showing her the basics like creaming the butter and sugar, and when to add the eggs.

The doorbell rings as I'm adding the flour and I say, "That's him."

When I walk out to the living room, I see Sam standing at the door and Ollie staring him down.

"Hey Sam." I call, making him turn and look at me over Ollie's shoulder.

He gives me a small smile, before his attention is brought back to my brother.

"I'm Oliver, Madeline's older brother." He says, offering his hand.

Sam accepts and shakes his hand, saying, "Nice to meet you, Oliver. I'm Sam Olson, your neighbor."

Ollie nods, stepping back.

"I'm gonna be in the dining room working on homework with Emmett, if you need anything." He tells him, and Sam nods. He doesn't move as he watches Ollie walk back to the table.

When Ollie sits back down I motion for Sam to come in the kitchen, and his eyes go wide as he jogs over to us.

When we get into the kitchen he breathes, "Shit, I've never felt more judged."

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