Chapter 23

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What we have isn't exactly... dating. Not in the traditional sense. I see that more and more as the week goes on. Our first actual date is on Tuesday night and its really not any different than any of the other times we've gone out together. Cas picks me and Sam up, drops Sam off at his house, and then we go for burgers and fries. This time, however, we hold hands across the table. After dinner we head back to his house, splitting the rest of our time between fixing the car and kissing.

And you know what? It's wonderful. It's everything I've ever dreamed.

Cas is perfect.

But, like every other good thing in my life, it wasn't meant to last. We weren't meant to last.


Cas texts me Saturday night.

*Are you busy?


A smile crosses my face as I read the text, hurrying to answer it.

*just hanging with Sam. Why?*

*I have a surprise for you. Come outside.*

I blink and glance up from where I'm at on the living room couch. And yes, those ate headlights in the driveway. I look quickly over at Sam and he immediately rolls his eyes and waves his hand at me. "Go on. Go. I'll be fine."

"You sure?" I ask halfheartedly, already straining to get out there, like a dog on a leash.

"I'm absolutely sure," he says with an exasperated sigh. "Just... go on. He's waiting."

"You're the awesomest," I yell as I sprint to the front door.

"Buy me icecream and we'll call it even," he calls after me just before I slid out the front door and shut it behind me.

Cas has gotten out of the car by the time I get out, and is leaning against the side. But not his car. The Impala, gleaming and beautiful and fully restored.

"Wanna go for a ride?" He asks, grinning widely.

"You finished fixing her?" I breathe, walking slowly forward to trail my hand over the hood.

"I wanted to surprise you," he says softly, watching me as I walk around the car, inspecting her. "My dad helped me with the last few adjustments we needed, and then I did some really intense cleaning."

I shoot him an amused look. "Only with you could cleaning be considered intense." He shrugs and grins.

"Oh well. So. Do you want to go for a ride or not."

"Hell yeah," I say quickly. "Can I drive?"

"Of course," he laughs, tossing me the keys. I grin and give him a quick kiss as we change sides, me sliding into the drivers seat and him into the passenger seat.

"Beautiful," I murmur, running a hand over the dash before I slid the key into the ignition and start the car. I sigh happily, just taking everything in. The world is literally perfect. The smooth purr of the Impala's engine is in the background and I have a beautiful angel sitting next to me.

"Where shall we go on our maiden voyage?" I ask, glancing over at Cas.

"Actually, I have somewhere I want to show you," he says quickly, reaching over and grabbing one of my hands. "I can direct you there."

"Okay," I agree with a nod, squeezing his hand. "Direct away."

Fifteen minutes later Cas has me pulling into a small field. Being the dead of winter, it's too cold to go outside and sit, so we just stay in the car, peering out the windshield at the clear night sky.

Twisted [A Destiel Highscool AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon