Getting ready for Games Pt 1

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Lucy's POV
I tried to sleep in but I feel jumping on the bed, so I tiredly yawn and wake up to my three angels jumping on my bed to get me up "Mommy's awake!" My second oldest child and Son Yuvrin exclaimed.

"Yay your finally awake!" My oldest child Nashi hugs me.

"Make us breakfast!" My youngest Daley orders and I chuckled.

"Well you wanna know the downside to waking me up." I said and they all nodded "You just woke up the...... Tickle monster!" I say and grab Nashi beginning to tickle her.

"AHHHHH!" They squeal and Nashi gets out of my Grip and runs away with her brothers, so I get up and chase them.

"What's going on I'm trying to sleep?" Kokola, Yuvrins fox friend came out in his human form.

"Oh sorry Kokola, mommy's just tickling us!" Yuvrin goes over and pets him, he then turns into his Small fox form and Yuvrin picks him up and runs as I continue to chase him.

Levy's POV
I wake up and begin to make breakfast, a simple Bacon and eggs, I then here footsteps from the stairs and look to see my Oldest child and my only son Eren walk downstairs as he rubbed his eyes "Morning mom." He yawned and sat down I messed with his black locks and looked into his brown eyes.

"Morning sweetheart, is Glimmer still asleep?" I ask and he nods so I head upstairs to their room and lightly tap Glimmers shoulder "Glimmer get up please." I tell her nicely to get up and she yawns.

"Five more minutes..." she turns her back at me and I get up and open the blinds on her eyes "Uhhhh Mommy whyyyyy." She whines as she rubs her tired eyes.

"Because we have to be at the guild today, I made bacon and eggs so eat them while your brother hasn't eaten them all yet." I mention bacon and she rushes downstairs.

I chuckle and head downstairs to feed my children.

Juvia's POV
I make food as Storm chases his sister Willow they were so adorable, I finish the pancakes and put them on plates for the kids "Willow, Storm, Breakfast!" I yell for them to come over.

They finish their breakfast and go to get ready to go to the guild.

I sigh and begin to clean dishes, I wonder if I should ever tell them about Gray-Sama......I'll think about it later.

Erza's POV
I wake up and leave my room to see Hermione reading a book in our library area "Hey sweetie." I walk over to her and kiss her forehead.

"Hello mom, what's for breakfast this morning?" She asks as she puts her book down.

"Well what do you feel like?" I ask her and she smiles lightly, she rarely smiles and is more on the serious side so seeing her smile made me feel really joyful.

"Scrambled eggs and French toast would be wonderful." She suggested and I nodded going to make it in our kitchen.

Rouges POV
I was making my son an omelet, and cut some strawberries up when I hear a door open, I turn to see Poker open the door, "Hey mum..." he says tiredly and then yawns "Question do we have to go to the guild? Can't we just stay home and sleep?" He asks and I laugh.

"Sorry dear, but we have to Yukimo wants to discuss something important today." I walk over and place his omelet down on the table, and kiss his cheek.

"I heard some men were flirting with you on your last mission?" He states and I nod because that did happen "Bring me next time, I'll beat their butts, and yell at them telling them I don't need a dad and you don't need anyone else but me!" He declares as he hugs me when I sit down next to him.

"Hahahahah, your so silly Poker!" I ruffle his hair and he looks up at me.

"It's true, you only need me to love!" He states and I nod in agreement to make him happy, he smiles and eats his omelet.

Freed's POV
I raise my arms and yawns and look down to see tiny hands around my waist, Abi must have snuck in my room to cuddle me again.

I lift the bed sheets and see that green loaf of hair like mine and I chuckled "Abi can you let go of Mommy please?" I say in a calm quiet tone and she shuffles around.

"Nuuuuuu! I wanna cuddle with youuuuuu!" She digs her face into my waist, and she muffled out a few more words that I can't read.

I chuckle and lift her up to my face "Mommy needs to make breakfast, then we can go to the guild hall to see all your friends, and see why Yukimo wants to meet up with us, okay?" I ask again and she smiles.

"Promise you'll spend the whole day with me?" She puts her pinky out and I take my pinky in hers.

"Promise." I say and she gets up, and so do I, I then go to make breakfast while she gets dressed.

At the guild Hall
No ones POV
They all enter the guild and stand in front of the balcony while Yukimo stands on the balcony "Hello my friends and fellow wizards, it has come to my attention that the Grand magic games are coming up and we must enter them, so I want to discuss who will be entering, I can not enter, but all of you can, I do suggest the adults do it tho for the children's safety!" Yukimo announces and the runaway wizards stand there nervous.

"Uhhh Yukimo can we talk to you in private?" Lucy asks and she nods, leading them into her office.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Do we have to enter, y-you know our situations and we finally are getting a peaceful life, what if they find out who their fathers are, and-!" Erza starts and Yukimo cuts her off.

"As much as I want to, I can't have our guild not go, it's non optional we have to, but I will try to think threw this!" She declares and the other six stare at her.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Alex asks and she looks back at him, then at the six mothers.

"Maybe we can put in wigs, contacts, and change your names temporarily!" She suggests and Levy disagrees.

"No the children would get confused and start to ask questions, and they'd get scared and say we're not their parents." Levy explains and they all agree.

"Okay....hmmm I don't know any other option, any of you have a idea?" She sighs in disappointment.

The others shake their heads "Well let's put aside this conversation for later and decided who's entering and who's not." Juvia begins to walk out the door and goes back to her kids.

They continue to decide who would enter and it eventually came to an agreement "Okay So Alex, Freed, Rouge, Erza, and Juvia will be entering." Yukimo declares and everyone cheers "We leave tonight, so get ready, it'll take us ten days to get there, so prepare for a long boring train ride kids." She nudges to giggling kids, and they shake their heads.

"Kay!" They all say in unison and everyone laughs then they all discuss plans and strategize for the grand magic games.

Today was going to be a long day, and they only had one problem, how was Lucy, Erza, Juvia, Levy, Freed, and Rouge going to avoid getting caught by their old guilds, and avoid having to tell Natus, Jellal, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, and Sting that they have kids.

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