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Amy strolled through the console room, feeling restless and somewhat uneasy. Maybe because it had only been a day since Roka had left with the Master and she already missed them. Okay, she only missed Roka. The Master still was a dick and Amy couldn't stand him.

Maybe she was just worried. She had probed the Doctor for more information about the other Time Lord and he had eventually told her a bunch of occurrences and run-ins with the other man. None of those sounded very pleasant in the best cases and downright unnerving and even lethal in others.

Why had the Doctor even agreed to let this man travel with them? Sure, sometimes he really seemed nice, especially when it came to Roka. But still, Amy had a bad feeling.

"What's bothering you, Amy?"

She looked up, unaware of that she had been staring at a set of buttons on the control table. Rory stood there, oh precious Rory, and this adorable look in his eyes as if he always knew when she didn't feel too well.

"Ah, not much." She shrugged and strolled to her husband to fling her arms around his neck and peck a kiss to his cheek. "I don't know. It's just too silent, right now."

The silence.

Yeah, that surely was the reason.

There was another reason. An uncertainty. Amy looked at Rory and felt such a love for him that it almost overwhelmed her for a moment. He smiled at her, such a gentle smile.

"Everything will be okay," he promised. "But if anything else is bothering you, tell me, yeah? I'm always here for you, you know that."

"Yeah, I know." She smiled back and buried her nose in his shirt at his neck, just wanting to stand here with him and enjoy to be close.

Somehow it felt as if things wouldn't stay like this. It felt as if there was something... No. She couldn't tell Rory about it, not yet. Not before she had spoken to the Doctor about it.

"Come, let's take a look outside," she demanded sassily and grabbed Rory's hand. "The Doctor is out there for hours. Who knows what he has gotten himself into again."

"Yeah," her husband sighed smilingly. "Let's land that old alien a hand, shall we?"

- The End -

A/N: Ooookay, I bet you are confused now

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A/N: Ooookay, I bet you are confused now. Don't be! Hold on!

I thought about this for a while and came to the conclusion that the story, as it is, has to find an end here. Because it makes sense, because it feels right...
And mostly because the oncoming events will deviate from this format too much.

Guess you could say, what is to follow will get a good bit darker, and also have more mature content in general. *cough* There also is a dynamic I can't resist writing and exploring... so I will do just that. (I also removed the last chapter and will add it to the new story.)

The sequel will be up soon. A few weeks maximum, probably less. Stay tuned.

And thank you all for your support! It means a lot to me!

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