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deja vu

a few weeks went by since will looked at me like he saw the most beautiful thing in the world. his gaze never leaving my mind as tears fell down my cheeks while we watched Casablanca. in retrospect, i should have known i would cry but it was still embarrassing as we had just met that same day and he already saw me cry. he comforted me and didn't treat me like the absolute child i am. throughout those weeks we've gotten closer and some nights i find it hard to fall asleep with him in the room. my mind races with possibilities and i think about him. when it's late and he can't sleep, he takes out his iPod and plays classical music. last night, he must've played "swan lake" a million times. i enjoy it though. it gets me closer to him.
"will?" i whisper. no response. "will?" i ask a little louder. he flinches at the sound of his name.
"hm?" he asks moving his headphones off his ears, the melodious sound of the orchestra now filling the quiet dark space a little more.
"i can't sleep" i say, admittedly. he sighs, not in disappointment, but in understanding.
"me too" he says quietly.
"do you have another pillow?" i ask. i hear him rummage around and a pillow lands on the floor in front of me. i pick it up gratefully and hold it close.
"thanks" i mutter with a tiny smile on my face that i know he can't see. i think i see will smile on the other side of the room but i'm just seeing things, i'm sure.
"tom?" he asks. "can you tell me a story?"


"let's go clubbing!" i say, excitedly.
"what?" will asks, shocked as if i'm proposing to go take down the government.
"i said, let's go clubbing! it'll be fun! we can pick up girls! have a couple drinks, y'know?" i say trying to convince him. he stares at me with a smirk on his face. i fight the urge to reach up and trace my fingertips down his cheekbones.
he sighs a long sigh that sends slight electricity down my spine.
"fine. i'll go but only because i trust you" he says, avoiding eye contact. his comment makes butterflies soar in my stomach. he trusts me? i can't remember the last time anyone has ever said that to me. the whole picking up girls thing is a trick to see if he's gay or not. based on how he acts around me i'm sure he is but he could just be a naturally nervous person so this is the only way to tell. i'm bisexual but i think i've fallen harder for will in these past few weeks than any girl has ever made me.
"i know you do, tall boy. that's why i'm taking you clubbing!" i say with a wink trying not to show how his last comment made me crumble. a hot pink blush floods his cheeks and now i know for sure how he feels when i call him "tall boy." it's absolutely adorable. "don't get too blushy there" i say. will goes more redder which i don't think is even possible. i'm beaming now. he's just so adorable.
"well i'm gonna get ready soon. are you gonna go like that?" i ask. he nods. i take out a flower printed shirt and tuck it into my jeans. i cuff them. will swaps his hoodie for a red plaid flannel and he puts on a gold chain and black sneakers. he gels his hair back and i do the same. i think we look pretty good together.
"you look nice" will says, more confidently than i've seen him today.
"thank you" i saw with a slight blush. "you too" i look over at him in the mirror. "let's go!"
we go over to the club a few blocks away. on the way there i explain to him the plan to pick up girls for each other.
"but what if you get me the wrong one?" will asks.
"i won't" i say, proudly. will laughs and hits me lightly on the shoulder. i smile and rub it gently even though it didn't hurt at all. at the club, will stays extremely close to me he even holds onto the sleeve of my denim jacket so he doesn't lose me in the crowd. i turn towards him.
"let me work my magic" i say. he nods and let's go of my jacket, the multicolored flashing lights making his crystal blue eyes sparkle beautifully. i wish he hadn't let go. Shakira blasts on the speakers. "hips don't lie" making me move a little. he smiles a bit and we start dancing as the chorus hits. the movement of his body near me fuels me and i get us a couple of drinks, i wasn't even IDd. he drinks it quickly and gets tipsy faster than i've seen. the alcohol boosts his confidence and he dances closer as the song changes to "price tag." the whole club is singing along and i pull over a girl for will. he looks a bit surprised to see a girl and i smile at him and give him a thumbs up. he shakes hands with her she smiles softly at him. they dance and i go back to the bar for more drinks. a girl approaches me and asks me if i'm looking for someone. i nod looking back at will dancing with his girl. the girl, who says her name is gia leads me to the dance floor. will eyes me with a kind of fire in his eyes as we dance to "deja vu." my stomach starts to churn, the alcohol hitting hard. gia grinds up on my body but i'm not thinking of her at all. will's eyes move up and down my body. i've never seen him act like this. completely loose and utterly attractive. sweat dots his hairline and his cheeks are flushed and his girl runs her hands down his neck and chest and i feel complete jealousy. he's still staring in my eyes as she does this and i think the girls catch on that we don't care and leave one by one to get more drinks. will walks over to me, not a hint of nervousness in the way he steps his jawline flexing. my mouth goes completely dry. he grabs my shoulder, his chin directly above my nose. i fight the urge to look into his eyes.
"don't be scared" he whispers into my ear and he takes my hand. i feel my skin growing hotter we move like this for a while and overtime it feels like the club is more crowded. we get pushed closer together and i swear my body can't handle the heat. he's breathing heavy and  he gets more drinks. he's so drunk at this point but i don't mind. he's a completely different more confident person. i check my watch and it's 2 am. the girls never came back. i pull his neck down and whisper. "we should go." he nods and he leads me out, much more different than how we came in. back in the dorm, he sits on his bed and stares at the floor, still breathing heavy from the electricity on the dance floor. i stand in front of him. he looks up at me.
"don't speak" i say. he silences. "you're a good dancer." he laughs.
"you too." i sit next to him, fighting the urge to put my hand on his thigh. he avoids eye contact again. the atmosphere changing.
"would it be crazy to say i find you extremely attractive?" he asks, his voice not faltering once. i sit there a bit stunned not sure how to respond. i laugh a little.
"not at all. in fact, i think you're the most attractive person i've ever seen" i say, nerves tugging at my chest. he smiles. his fingers brush against my hand and i quickly grab it. we sit there holding hands and doing nothing else. how am i supposed to fall asleep after this?

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