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beautiful life
ace of base

what i love about tom,

the way his fingers feel against my arms when he pulls me close to laugh when i tell him a joke. his obsession with cleanliness mirroring my disorganized chaotic nature. his love for all things pop and the way he cries every time he watches Casablanca. how he idolizes James Bond and loves it when i'm calm. how he knows i notice it when he cleans after me when i go to class. his style, never there being a day when he didn't think out his outfit beforehand. how he always makes his bed before leaving for class. how he borrows my pillow when he can't sleep. how he can talk non-stop about cherry trees and plants and grammar rules and entertain me for hours with funny stories. how he smiles at me when he catches me staring at him. when his shoulders flex when he stretches and his lips purse in a certain way that leaves me slightly breathless. how when i'm sitting close to him i feel him relax and i can feel that magnetic pull. that he must know that i love him and that his enthusiasm makes my soul burn like a million suns. i love his giddy childlike nature and yet his maturity and strength surpasses mine.

- will

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