Chapter 2 - Lao Tzu

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It took two days for Agent Hotchner to call her back.

A painstakingly, long two days.

She had just gotten changed as her phone rang.

"Delvaux speaking."

"Delvaux, it's Agent Hotchner. My team just received a new case and I was hoping you would join us to consult. If you want, of course."

She smiled widely to herself, "I'll be right over."

"I'll see you then."

She hung up and quickly grabbed her go bag before leaving her hotel room. She drove to Quantico quickly and made her way up to the floor she was previously on.

As the elevator opened, a woman with blonde hair waited patiently by the glass doors. She approached her and held out a hand, "I'm Agent Jennifer Jareau, FBI Communications Liaison. You can call me JJ."

"Agent Andromeda Delvaux. Pleasure to meet you," she replied as she shook the woman's hand.

JJ led her to a conference room where Agent Hotchner stood up to greet her, shaking her hand briefly before turning to the other people sitting at the round table.

"Everyone, this is Agent Andromeda Delvaux. She'll be assisting us on this case," he then turned to her, "This is the team."

He pointed to a dark skinned man with a tough looking face, "That's Derek Morgan."

The man looked at her with obvious interest as he profiled her appearance.

"Emily Prentiss," Hotch continued, nodding to the woman sitting next to Morgan. She carried the same expression as him, but tried to conceal it better.

"Over there is David Rossi."

She looked to see an older man with a studying expression as he profiled her as well. She gave polite smiles to each of the agents.

"Penelope Garcia, our tech analyst."

She turned her head to see the most colorful woman in the room. Her hair was all sorts of wacky, which perfectly matched her outfit. The lady waved excitedly at her and beamed a bright smile. Andy waved back shyly and she chuckled.

"And that's Dr. Spencer Reid."

She finally looked to see a man closest to her age, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. He twirled his pen unconsciously as words began to spill out of his mouth.

"Did you know that the name Andromeda can be derived from the Greek princess, who was known to be the wife of Perseus, or it can be translated from the Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, which is located between Cassiopeia's W asterism and the Great Square of Pegasus."

The team looked at him weirdly and she noticed that he suddenly looked uncomfortable and shrunk down in his chair slightly.

She felt secondhand embarrassment reach her as she tried to make it seem casual, "It's also 2.537 million light years away from Earth. But Andy will do just fine."

They look at her in mild shock before she proceeded to walk to the empty chair next to Dr. Reid. Once she had sat down, he swiveled toward her and gave her a small smile in appreciation. She returned it before accepting the files Garcia handed her.

She opened the file to see pictures of bloody women with their throats slashed. Reid studied her reaction and noticed that she barely flinched.

"Alright, LAPD called in last night, they found two bodies in two weeks. Both female and both with their vocal cords cut out. Cause of death was a single stab wound to the abdomen...they both bled out on the scene," JJ informed as she clicked through the images on the screen.

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