7 | Deathmatch Tournament

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It was a long night for me as I was forcing myself to sleep, but I couldn't as if the tournament was affecting my sleeping quality. Too bad that I was single, or otherwise I could have someone to comfort me from my fears. I rubbed my swollen eyes and climbed out of my bed. "It's going to be a long day, Moth." I muttered under my breath, then slid to the living room by the spiral ladder, which was being located in the middle of 4/F.

"Wow Moth, do you actually sleep last night?" Shugar said, amazed by my swollen eyes and tired appearance.
"Umm... Abit." I replied. Before I could continue my sentence, an announcement interrupted me.

"Moth. You're on. Meet me in the arena on the 2/F."

I nodded then padded away from Shugar. "Best of luck, Moth."

"Thanks." I muttered then rushed to the door of the arena.

"Ah, you're there." Wayme nodded, then instructed me, "your next." I nodded, seeing those mouse wearing the ice skates on their paws, gliding gracefully and.... Shooting cannons towards each other.

"How does this work." I muttered as I took my skates and started to glide on the ground. "Whoa!" I squealed, as I was being thrown out from the arena.
"Karoliana: Mothwhisker; 1-0!" Wayme shouted, then I stared at Karoliana, the mouse with blonde hair and white pelt, with a hairband on her hair. "Come." She beckoned me with her paws.

Having the courage to, I glided towards Karoliana, then threw a cannon to her, as it hit her accurately in her stomach, but she held on, and returned a blow in my face.

"Ow." I said, being thrown out from the arena again. "Moth! Concentrate!" Wayme yelled at me, anxious as the results were already 9-0.

"Just score one time, Moth." I muttered, then jumped up to my paws, then thew a cannon to her, but it missed her by a whisker.

"Come on." Karoliana spoke to me, before returning a blow right in my face. I stumbled, trying to hold onto the edge of the arena, but... The ice was too slippery as I was being thrown out from the ice ground, again.

"Karoliana won by 10-0!" Wayme announced, then casted a look at me. How could you...

"I don't know!" I yelled, feeling disappointed at the results. I closed the door and hurried to my room. I sat down there inside my room, knowing that I shouldn't have registered to the tournament at the first place. Hugging my cheese-shaped cushion, I sobbed. A sudden knock brought me back to reality, again.

"Moth?" A voice spoke. "Moth, I know you're in there."

"Go away." I pleaded, I didn't want to communicate with anyone.

"Moth, please. I can help you."

"To what! I cannot be helped." I sobbed again, knowing that the mouse outside my door wanted to help me.

"Please let me in first, I can improve your skills."

I hesitated, before getting up and unlocked the door. It was Wayme.
"Moth. I know that you are not satisfied with the results." Wayme began, sitting beside me on the sofa.

"I just feel bad at losing like that."

"It's okay. Are you new to Deathmatch?" He asked, curiosity filled his gaze.

"Yes." I whispered, then stared at Wayme.

He led me to the arena and got me to wear the skates. "So the first thing is that, you have to know how to cannon jump." He said, demonstrating it. "Throw a cannon to yourself, then jump over it, and launch yourself towards the other side." I tried. I did throw the cannon towards myself, but it ran away before I could even jump over it. "Moth, look." He began, then jumped over the cannon again. "You have to know that it isn't really that easy." He said, then encouraged me again. "Try again."

I nodded numbly then tried again, my tears streaming down my face as I succeed. "There you go." He said as he gave a set of numbers. "These are the digits of the offset. This will help you to cannon jump easily." I wanted to tell him I was grateful for everything he taught me. But then, he spoke first. "I had to go, see ya."

I nodded then headed back to my room, unsure of whom will be the one to knock on my door again.

I'm sorry if this chapter is tooooo lammmme. Yeah :v I am trying to rush myself to get those chapters done as the present is more interesting... But yeah! If I get to the part where I met Karoliana, (which will be in the next chapter) I guess.... Things will be better...
Special thanks to Amblykcoffee192 StarTearz JoanneNg8 who also wrote awesome stories and they truly inspired me, alot. Please check them out c: I will be really grateful if you guys do check it out!
Stay awesome,
~Storm, (aka Moth)

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