38 | Bravery

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Here's another update for you guys x_x Hope you guys like it!
Embrace your fears. Derpy's voice echoed in my ears as I gripped on my shotgun tightly, turning my head and tried my best to detect any unusual signs of a intruder in the distant.

"Attack when ready!" I heard a familiar voice in the distant as I felt my stomach dropped, as if it had been hit. Lights Out.

"Iancyk." I stated, clenching and unclenching my jaw repeatedly as I looked over to Keb, who fixed his gaze on the border and watched him dropped his paws.

"Our members and Wayme are taking care of the fire." Keb began, "and who is Ian?"

"A hater of mine." I whispered as we dove into the bushes near the border, eyes fixed on the white creature who was moving towards the border in a rapid motion. I watched as Keb swung his paw for a few times over the grass before raising his arm fully and clenched his fist, and the both of us sprang ourselves out of the bushes and hurled ourselves to our opponents, shotgun on our backs. I steadied myself with the momentum of the motion and pulled my shotgun out of my grasp, but Ian had it in his paws and had it aimed to shoot me.

"Watch out!" Keb yelled before hurling himself over me, pushing me out of the way as the cannon launched from the shotgun, missing Keb by inches. We landed on the grass below us, as Ian and his mates trapped us in a small circle. I sat up straighter, and stared at Ian, nose flaring while he had my shotgun pointed at my chest.

"How does it feel, Commanders?" Ian spoke with a hint of sarcasm as the edge of my mouth twitched up to a smirk in response. I moved forward and he pressed it harder against my chest. "Don't. Move."

"It feels, great." I replied sarcastically before spitting at his shoe and he let out a groan in disgust. "You're going to pay for this." He vowed before signalling his mates to get into work. They picked us up by tugging at our paws, forcing us to lead them the way to our tribe house. I stared at Keb, horrified as he smirked and yanked his paws, pulling it out of his grasp and turned around and pushed him down, getting Ian's attention, who was walking in the front.

"You little!" He yelled as I broke free and sent a punch at his nose, and gave his stomach a hard kick. He crashed into me, knocking me down with the hard blow he had given me, taking me down with him. I flipped him over so that he landed on the ground with me on top of him, my hands pressing him against the ground as I snatched my shotgun out of his grasp and aimed at me.

"Moth!" Keb yelled and I looked towards the direction where he was at and the next thing I knew, I got hit by the cannon and I crashed onto the grassy lands, my mind fading into a dimension of pitch darkness.

- - - -

"You little..." I muttered as I sat up from the grassy land with a throbbing headache, assuming that Keb and Wayme were around but no one was there. My gadget was next to me, it beeped soundlessly, as I moaned in pain and sat there for a few minutes, trying to clear my mind and my visions. "Ugh." I let out a groan in frustration as I checked my head for any injuries, luckily there wasn't. I got up and picked up my gadget and darted along the dirt road while trying my best to ignore the throbbing in my head. My newly-moulted almond pelt with all the dirt I got while defending for the tribe swayed in the wind with momentum as I picked up my speed again, getting a better control of the throbbing. I barged into the tribe house and came face to face with one of his mates. He reached out and tried to grab me by his arms, but I pulled on the doorknob hard, and the door hit his arm and he let out a hiss of pain. I swung open the door, hitting him for the second time while knocking him out temporarily with a shotgun on the nearby couch.

"Calm down please!" I yelled at the shocked mice, who were running around the living room. They stared at me, bewildered. "Lock the doors for me, and watch out for other signs for intruders." I ordered as the mice shuffled into the work and I left the living room with pure satisfaction. I hurried down to the kitchen, where the fire had been extinguished and it was obvious that part of the kitchen had been burnt. "How's everything?" I asked the mouse whose name was Shokobutse. "Were you the one who informed Wayme about the fire?"

"Yes, I did. I was cooking for the meals and I noticed the far left part of the kitchen had been set on fire on purpose. I informed Sir Wayme right away." He said with a nod. I gave him a pat on the shoulder and a few words of appreciation, but nothing much.

"Moth, can you hear me?" Wayme's voice was muffled in the microphone.

"Yes, where are you?" I responded, suddenly becoming all aware with the surroundings around me. Everything grew quieter.

"Kitchen. Behind you." A low voice said and I turned around, only to be greeted with a masked mouse and he held me tight with his paws, a yellow-pelted mouse grabbed Shoko by his arms and held him tightly as Shoko widened his eyes in fear.

"Moth, can you hear me?" My teammates yelled, and my attacker spoke into my ear on purpose, making them overhearing our conversation.

"If I were you," the velvet voice started. "I wouldn't move that much, cheeky." I tried my best to steadied my breath and hide my fear. I can't let Shoko knows how scared I am right now.

"I'm coming over to get you." He yelled over the noise in the background.

"No don-" the connection failed as I sighed in disappointment and watch my attacker tied us up and guard the kitchen door by himself. I reached for the pocket knife that I had kept in my back pocket and started cutting the rope apart, while Shoko watched me with amusement. "How did y-" I shushed him and told him to be quiet while I cut his rope. We moved in silence, in hopes that people from Lights Out wouldn't sense a thing.

The kitchen door was being unlocked twice and my head jerked up in response, hoping that it was Wayme but I was wrong. A mouse with a very strong build came into view and he smirked at our untied hands. "What do you think you are doing, missy?" He knelt down and used his finger to lift my chin up so I was staring straight into his bright eyes. My eyes flashed blue in defense, Shoko gasped, watching the exchange in pure amusement and horror.

"Ah, you're smart and loyal. You would be a nice little fella in the tribe." He let out an evil grin and grabbed Shoko by his scruff and dragged him to the entrance of the kitchen.

"Don't hurt him!" My eyes flashed red and I stood up, the throbbing in my head had disappeared miraculously.

"How loyal. Wayme wouldn't like your red eyes, missy." He said and I felt something hard hit the back of my head and I was drenched into darkness again.

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