36 | Fear

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YO GUYS! Sorry for not updating! D: I am trying so hard to find time to do so but there was too many tests and work to do... I'll make it up to you guys when I have time~ Anyways! Enjoy the newest chapter! Let me know what do you think of it in the comments! 

Stay beautiful, stay awesome, stay you and peace out!



Two mice were leading the group of souris to the fromage in the racing room. We were packed together, trying not to step on each other's tail or to be stepped on our paws as we rushed past them.

I entered the hole as the last place, my eyes adjusting to the sudden change of light as I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found nothing. "There. Behind you." A voice started as I turned around, startled.

"Can you stop scaring me like that and just leave me alone!" I yelled as I thought that it was X, but it wasn't. I froze, trying to keep my cool as the mouse with a nickname of derpy bursted into laughter.

"Not funny." I stated flatly as she gave me a bright smile and a light slap on my shoulders.

"I see that you're the war commander of DCF." A male voice said, making me shiver.

"Yes, I am." I turned around a faced Iancyk, who was the one of the lead.

"Please, stop asking my tribe for war." He stated as he glared at me.

"I'm just following the order. It's not like I can do anything." I huffed under my breath as he snorted.

"Excuses." That was what he said before walking away.

"Don't mind him. He's always being all nosy and stubborn, as usual." Derpy continued as I shook my head in dismay.

"I can't understand why you can tolerate his tempers."

"Everyone is a diamond in themselves, it's whether you can appreciate the beauty inside that person despite his flaws." I gave her a shrug as a reply.

"By the way, Mothwhisker. Your racing skills sucks." Iancyk insulted as I tightened my jaw in response.

"Well, not everyone's good at deathmatching." I snickered, as Derpy offered me a tutorial to racing and which, I gladly accepted her offer. She led me into a completely new place, there wasn't anyone there to watch us and admire her speed. It's pure nothingness.

"What are we doing in here?" I asked, my eyes searching for someone whom I might know and unfortunately there wasn't anyone except us.

"Training you up, missy." Here come the insults again. He entered the room, trying to maintain his balance while trying to act cool which he failed miserably at that.

"So Moth." Derpy began, rubbing her paws together to keep them warm. "It's getting quite cold, isn't it." She commented as she climbed along the trails, onto the plank, trying to maintain her balance as she kept looking back, checking if I was still behind her. I got on all of my fours and climbed my way up to the plank, my tails swaying in the opposite direction, then I jumped and landed on all on my four, staring up at my mentor like an innocent apprentice, waiting for instruction. Unfortunately I am not that innocent Moth anymore.

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