33 | Merely a sniper

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Focus Moth, breath in, breath out.

I inched towards my opponent, my shotgun never leaving my grasp. I turned around and found a box, where I can fully disguise myself from my opponents' shooting range with it. I rolled on the ground before staring at the distant in a swift motion, where I had last spotted my opponent disappearing into the darkness in front of me.

I slumped against the box, my shotgun still in my paws as I peered over the top of my shelter, but just as planned, no shots were fired at me. I closed my eyes for a brief second before a pair of eyes stared at me with confusion. I stared at it with a blank face, and watched it scurried off. A pair of bright flame-like orange eyes appeared in the distant as it came closer to me.

I stared at the mouse, feeling no adrenaline rising or surging through my limbs, even. Orange slammed into me as I laid on the floor, motionless while he snatched the shotgun out from my grasp and kicked it away from my reach. Do something Moth! Moth! Come on! I mentally yelled at myself as his grasp on my throat tightened. I widened my blue eyes in pure shock, refusing to give away any signs of fear. Him, too, widened his eyes at my tolerance of pain. I gritted my jaw, staring at him with an outstretched paw, struggling to place it on his throat. Despite the lack of oxygen, I located his neck and gripped on it as he yowled in pain before gripping me neck harder and pressed me against the box until my head slid to the ground.

Black spots started forming on the image before me as I saw my eyes faded back to my original color - dark brown- from the light that had been reflected from pupil. I felt myself losing my grasp on his neck as everything around me grew quiet. My eyes. My ears. My gadget is chiming right now, probably. My heart racing as my consciousness had been drained from myself.

Slowly at first, then all at once.


"How long had she been out?" Concern.

"Probably a few days, it was a pretty harsh grip and she blacked out a few minutes later, and it is really impressive." Affirmative, admire, impressed. He commented as I felt his fingers trailing along the swollen part of my neck. I was pretty sure that I was in the medical area of the tribe by now.

"She should've fought back." Voila! Behold, thy almighty, Wayme.

"She couldn't fight back, and that's the point why we're here. It wasn't even possible." Keb commented.

"Well, she is a war commander after all, and it is not acceptable for a war commander to be strangled while a shotgun is in his or her paws. She could've fought him off with all her trainings that we've provided. Wayme scoffed, I could picture him squinting at Keb.

"Will you two gentlemen just cut it off? It had happened, and we had lost the war, so there isn't a point to blame Moth for not fighting back!" Wait, we lost the war? A high-pitched voice interrupted the conversation as Star let out a snicker - wait, isn't Star in The Arising? What have I missed? - and sat by my side, holding my paw in complete silence. 

"Mothy senpai," she said in a Japanese accent, which is new to me, imitating Killua, her favourite anime character. "You have to wake up. I won't forgive Wayme if you died."

Wayme huffed under his breath, "whatever duh." Karo shushed him as I tried my best to hide my laughter, but ended up rolling my eyes as Star hollered. 

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