Chapter 11

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Ivan woke up from the light coming through the window. He opened his eyes and was about to sit up until he felt Matthew sleeping on him like the night before.

Memories started to rush through Ivan's head which made him remember what happened. He pet Matthew's head which made the Canadian snuggle closer to Ivan. Ivan smiled at the small gesture Matthew made. He gently kissed Matthew's head and continued to pet the peaceful nation in his arms.

Matthew awoke to the petting of his head. He gently opened his eyes and look up at Ivan, still half asleep.

"Good morning Matvey." Ivan said, still petting the nation. Matthew mumbled some nonsense before he latched on to Ivan tighter.

"Hmm, you're really warm." Matthew said, looking away as he nuzzled Ivan's chest, slowly closing his eyes.

"You have to get up." Ivan said, ruffling Matthew messy locks.

"Mmmm, five more minutes." Matthew said.

"You can take a nap later, it's already 11:37 am." Ivan said, gently shaking Matthew.

"Nooooooon! Laisse moi dormir!" Matthew wined. If Matthew was actually awake, he would be stuffing his head in a pillow and screaming as he blushed. He'll probably do that later after he realizes what he was doing right now.

Ivan sighed and smiled. What has he gotten himself into. He's in love with this childish stubborn nation, he adored it.

"Well if you won't wake up, then I'll force you." Ivan said. He then started to tickle Matthew, making the Canadian laugh and kick his legs around to which waking the sleeping polar bear.

"AHHH! STOP! I'LL GET UP! I'LL GET UP." Matthew said while laughing. Ivan did as he was told and stopped.

Matthew sat up, crossed his arms and looked at Ivan with a mad face but it just looked like a child angry at their mother.

"You're mean." Matthew said.

"And who was the one who tried to hit someone with a giant snowball?" Ivan asked.

Matthew looked away and did a 'hmph' sound. Ivan chuckled and ruffled Matthew's blond hair.

Ivan got up and did his usual thing in the morning. As before, Matthew waited for Ivan to get out and got cleaned up in the bathroom after.

The two walked downstairs, Matthew holding the still tired Kumajiru, and went to the kitchen. They had breakfast and cleaned up.

"What should we do today?" Ivan asked.

"I just wanna relax. I'm really tired for some reason." Matthew answered as he rubbed one of eyes.

"Good idea." Ivan said.

Matthew walked to the living room and plopped on the couch, Ivan joining him as Kumajiru went to one of the arm chairs and slept on it.

"Anything in particular you want to watch?" Ivan asked.

"No." Matthew replied.

The two picked a movie and watched it. Ivan was watching the movie when he felt something fall on is shoulder. Wouldn't you know it, it was Matthew asleep, cuddled in a blanket. Ivan smiled and put his arm around Matthew and brought the Canadian closer to him. Ivan watched the rest of the movie while Matthew laid on Ivan's shoulder.


After the movie, Ivan decided to have a nap as well. That dream must have tired him out. Though there was one small detail, Matthew was still sleeping on Ivan's shoulder. That was no problem though, Ivan already figured it out.

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