Chapter 12

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"How much longer?! We've been in this car forever!" Matthew wined.

"Just a little longer." Ivan replied. A couple of minutes later, Ivan pulled into a small parking lot. Matthew's eyes brightened and jumped out of the car. He took a deep breath of the fresh winter air and exhaled.

"Oh my maple does the fresh air feel good. That stuffy car was killing me." Matthew said, turning to the Russian that was now beside him.

"Come. The path is over there."  Ivan said, pointing to the path that led into snow covered forest.

"Let's go!" Matthew said, grabbing Ivan's hand and dragging him to the path. A little blush creeped on Ivan's face as him and Matthew lightly ran to the path.

They entered the forest and Matthew's eyes sparkled.

The snow glistened by the light of the sun. The pine trees touched the sky and the snow highlighted them perfectly. There we bushes covered by the glittering white snow. You could see  some deer and other animals in the distance, peacefully walking around. There were little birds that sangs beautiful tones that would make anyone smile. The sweet smell of pine filled Matthew's nose. He stood in awe by mother nature's creation.

"It's beautiful here!" Matthew said, amazement painted on his face.

"Da. I come here sometimes to relax." Ivan said.

Matthew walked down the snowy path, hand in Ivan's, admiring the scenery. Kumajiru followed the two.

Thought Ivan wasn't admiring the nature around them, he was looking at the little Canadian. He smiled as they continued to walk, a gentle blush appearing on Ivan's face. Matthew's small and gentle hand in his, it made Matthew even more adorable to Ivan. Matthew looked like an angel to Ivan, and angel that glowed as bright as thousand stars. His eyes, his smile, his kindness seemed so angelic to Ivan, almost addicting. He just wanted to hold the Canadian. Love him. Touch him. Adore him. Have him. He wanted Matthew so much. Ivan snapped out of his thoughts and they continued to walk.

As they were walking, they found a young doe* near the path. The doe saw them and stayed still. Matthew thought of something.

Matthew slowly walked to the doe, putting his hand in front of him for the doe to smell. When he got close enough, she gently sniffed Matthew's hand. He then slowly moved his hand over the doe's head. He gently brought his hand down and touched the doe's head. She twitched but she didn't move. Matthew started to pet her head. The doe started to rub her head on Matthew hand. Matthew giggled and continued to pet her.

Ivan stood there in surprise. Matthew was so kind and gentle, that a doe let him pet her. He slowly walked to Matthew and the doe. Now Matthew was scratching behind her ear.

"Look! She let me pet her!" Matthew said, very happy at what he achieved.

"Da. I see that." Ivan said.

Matthew pet her for a little bit more until she heard something and ran away. Matthew sighed but still had a smile on his face.

"Let's go!" Matthew said.

"Da." Ivan responded.

They started to walk again but Matthew wasn't holding Ivan's hand anymore. Ivan didn't like that.

He gently grabbed Matthew's hand. Matthew looked up at Ivan who was looking away, moving his scarf up to trying to cover his blush.

Matthew looked back down, blushing. They walked like this until Matthew put his head on Ivan's shoulder. Ivan looked over to see the Canadian looking away, blushing uncontrollably. Ivan smiled at the small gesture as they continued to walk down the snow path, fluffy snowflakes falling from the cloud covered sky.

Revenge to Relationships [ A Ruscan Fan Fiction ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora