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DEAR EVAN HANSEN SONGS RULE!!! I loved the idea of Steven singing to Connie...and then "If I Could Tell Her" popped into my head, so I tweaked the lyrics a bit and BOOM! Aaaaaa I love this one-

There was a point where I started rushing though, but whatever. It was fun to write. I was smiling like an idiot because I love them so much

Steven picked up his guitar. He had to get it right. Come on, Steven, focus. This was for Connie, after all.

He tuned the guitar and strummed it. He wasn't even in front of Connie yet, but he was nervous. What if she didn't like it? What if she thought it was weird? What if she didn't want to be friends anymore?

Relax. Take a deep breath. You can do this.

He hummed a tune and started changing from one chord to another, the beginning of a song. He added lyrics. He added rhythm. He added feeling.

Perfect. Flawless. This was going great. He had played in front of her many, many times before, but this time was different. He was going to tell her all the feelings he had kept inside for so long. He was going to say those three words. I love you.

The clock ticked away, counting down the minutes until he had to perform in front of Connie. He had planned it all out. A nice picnic at the lighthouse, then watching the sunset out on the beach, and then finally, he'd take his guitar out, and start singing to her.

It was almost time. He hopped up, grabbed everything he needed, and walked to the Dondai. He sat inside and started driving to Connie's house. His heart was racing, his hands were shaking, but it was fine. This was his normal reaction to being with Connie. He wasn't sure if it was normal, per se, but he was used to it.

As he pulled up to the complex, he took a deep breath. "Here we go," he muttered to himself. He stepped out and walked to the door of his best friend's house.

Nearly immediately after he knocked, Connie opened the door. "Hey, Steven! You ready?"

Steven nodded. "Yeah, I've got it all planned out!"

She chuckled a bit and looked back inside. "Bye, Mom, I'm leaving!"

"Be safe, have fun!" Dr. Maheswaran responded from the other room.

"I will!"

They walked back to Steven's car.

After a safe car ride and some chatting, they arrived at the hill. Steven walked to the spot he had picked out and laid down the picnic blanket. Connie sat down and her partner got out some biscuits and jam.

"Just like old times," she said and picked up a biscuit.

Steven chuckled, "Yup."

When Steven noticed the sun setting, he realized they had been up there too long. "Oh, uh, let's go down to the beach."

"Are you sure? It's getting dar-"

"I'm sure! Trust me." He grabbed her hand and ran down the hill, not cleaning anything up. He had time to do it later, it was fine.

He sigh happily when they made it to the sandy shore just in time, as the sky turned into a beautiful pink and orange color. "Be right back," he said and darted to the house to grab his guitar. When he got back, Connie was sitting down, admiring the view.

He sat down next to her. She turned to him, looking at the guitar. "Oh?" She questioned.

He just smirked and started strumming it. Connie smiled and watched.

"I know,
There's nothing like your smile
Sort of subtle and perfect and real
I know
You never knew how wonderful
That smile could make someone feel

And I knew
Whenever you get bored
You scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans
And I noticed
That you still fill out the quizzes
That they put in those teen magazines

But I kept it all inside my head
What I saw I left unsaid
And though I wanted to
I couldn't talk to you
I couldn't find the way
But I would always say

If I could tell her
Tell her everything I see
If I could tell her
How she's everything to me
But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell her
If I could tell her"

Connie was blushing madly. Her best friend, crush, the best person she has ever met...he was singing this beautiful song to her. She couldn't hold back her smile, and couldn't help but bring a hand to her cheek.

"I thought
It looked really pretty when you put indigo streaks in your hair
And I wondered how you learned to dance
Like all the rest of the world isn't there

But I kept it all inside his head
What I saw I left unsaid

If I could tell her
Tell her everything I see
If I could tell her
How she's everything to me
But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell her
If I could tell her

But what do you do when there's this great divide?
And what do you do when the distance is too wide?
And how do you say
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell her
If I could"

He strummed down on the guitar slowly, indicating that the song was over. Connie was speechless. She covered her mouth. "Steven...this...this was..."

His face immediately turned to regret. "It was too much, wasn't it? Ah, I'm so sorry, you probably hate me now, I-"

"It was beautiful."

Steven met her eyes. "R...Really?"

She giggled, wiping a stray tear from her eyes. "Yeah."

There was a silence as the two stared at each other, love-stricken. "I...had no idea you felt that way."

"It's...been on my mind for a while," Steven confessed.

Connie shook her head, still speechless. She wrapped her arms around Steven, so fast that he nearly lost his balance and toppled over. He caught himself, luckily. He hugged her back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

* 992 words (February 4, 2020)

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