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Steven knocked on the door, carrying his cheeseburger backpack. As he waited on the doorstep, he heard footsteps coming closer from inside. Dr. Maheswaran answered the door and looked down at him. "Steven? What are you doing here?"

"Just came to visit Connie, ma'am. I heard she wasn't feeling well, so I brought her some things," he said and held up a bag.

The doctor smiled, "That is very sweet of you. Connie is upstairs in her room. Be careful; she may be contagious."

"Don't worry, I don't think I'm able to get sick. Thank you, Dr. Maheswaran!" He smiled back and made his way to Connie's room.

He knocked on the door and heard shuffling around from inside. "Who is it?" A small voice croaked out.

"It's Steven," he replied.

"Steven? Why are you here?"

"To make you feel better. Can I come in or not?"

"Yes, you can."

He opened the door and was greeted by Connie lying in her bed, face red and sweaty. He frowned sympathetically. He walked over to her and sat on the foot of her bed. "So, what have you been doing?"

She sighed, "Just lying here, bored."

"Oh, here," Steven dug through his bag and brought out a piece of candy.

"Hm?" Connie looked at it, and Steven handed it to her.

"Just for you."

"You're awfully nice today," she said and took the candy.

"Am I not nice other days?"

Connie scoffed, "You know what I mean."

They both laughed. "Wanna watch a movie?" Steven suggested.


As they watched the movie on Steven's laptop, Connie grew tired until she finally fell asleep. Steven looked at her and smiled. He hesitated before planting a small kiss on the forehead. That should bring down the fever, he thought. He quietly stood up and took the laptop, heading downstairs. He saw Connie's parents waiting for him.

"How is she?" Dr. Maheswaran asked.

"I think she'll be better soon," Steven said.

Mr. Maheswaran smiled, "Thank you, Steven."

"No problem," he replied cheerfully. He left the house feeling glad that he could help Connie a little. Of course, he could've healed her more, but that would've required...more. He blushed at the thought of that. He made his way back to the Temple with a grin on his face.

* 384 words (December 4, 2019)

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