Chapter 21: Ecstasy

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"Are there any guys that have caught your eye?" my mom asks.

I laugh and take a sip of my hot chocolate. "Nah."

"Really? I'd have thought there would've been one or two."

"There are some good looking guys, but I...I just don't think any of them are my type."

My mom nods thoughtfully, and we stare out at the sunset.

"I'm kind of scared to get into a relationship, to be completely honest," I say. "I mean, there's so much talk of girls getting's scary. What if I make that mistake? How would I even know that..." I shake my head.

She smiles. "When I became pregnant with you, I didn't need a test to know. As soon as I had my suspicions I checked, but I was right."

"How'd you know?"

"I was craving different foods, I would become super emotional in a snap, began to ache, and...well, Aunt Flo didn't visit at her usual time."

We laugh, and I sigh.

"I hope I get married one day, and have a little family," I say.

"You know what? When that happens, trust your gut. It knows best for most things."

I wake slowly, looking around. I'm in one of the separate rooms, a blanket draped over me. Daryl snoozes soundly beside me, and I snuggle closer to him.

My parents come to my mind a lot nowadays. I wish they could've met Daryl. I wish that we could've made up before the world went to shit. That would've been nice.

Daryl wakes up only a little while after me. He stretches and plants a kiss on my lips, smiling.

"How're you feelin'?" he asks.

"Better," I admit.

"Don't work too hard today. I want you to rest up, a'ight?"

I smile. "Fine."

We get up and head out for breakfast.


I sit outside on the front steps of the church, tapping my fingers on my knees nervously. My dream keeps coming back to me, and it dominates my thoughts as I watch everyone prepare the church for any battle that may come its way.

I keep telling myself that the thoughts sprinting through my mind are ridiculous, could very well be possible.

I scroll through the signs in my mind, and they all point to it. I rest my face in my hands, my shoulders shaking.

I had thrown up again this morning, I had randomly craved pop-tarts and squirrels, and my both my breasts and lower area ache, definitely not from a car accident. Besides, they aren't period cramps, I'm not on my period.

I look up again as Daryl plants an organ pipe into the ground. I take a deep breath.

I can do this. I can do this.

I get up and move towards him, my legs protesting against the fast-paced walk.

"Hey Hope," he says, smiling. "Everythin' ok?"

"Daryl, I have to tell you something," I say.

"Ok. Shoot."

"Um...can I tell you over there?" I point a little ways away, and he nods.

As soon as we're out of earshot of the others, he grasps my hand, his face concerned.

"Is everythin' alright?"

"No. I...I think I might be..." I stutter, trying to force myself to say the word. "I'm late."

"For what?"

" late," I say, feeling my face flush.

God this is embarrassing.


"I might be..." I take another deep breath. "Pregnant. I think I'm pregnant," I repeat, shaking visibly.

Daryl's eyes widen, and his fingers brush my stomach. I flinch, and his gaze softens. He says nothing, and I brace myself for his reaction.

"You're really...?"

I nod, feeling tears coming to my eyes. "There's no other explanation. Everything fits."

He notices my distress, and he pulls me close to him.

"What's wrong? This is amazin'," he murmurs.

"Another baby, in the middle of all this? At least we had the prison with Judith. We have the church...but...but..." I whimper, tears wetting his shirt. "I'm...I'm so scared."

He looks down at me, his sparkling eyes watching me closely.

"No matter what, I'll be here to protect you. Both of you." He looks absolutely giddy, his smile unmistakeable. His hand touches my stomach again, and I don't flinch this time. "I'm gonna be a daddy," he whispers.

"A daddy Dixon," I say quietly, my hand overlapping his.

He pulls me into a kiss, his hands on my neck and jaw. Some of the fear scatters to the wind, but doesn't quite disappear.

"Just my dumb luck. My first time gets me pregnant," I mumble.

He grins. "Well, we didn't use protection."

I smack his arm. "Don't talk about it."

"Why? Didn't you enjoy it?"

"Go back to being happy about our baby."

I can't help but feel the excitement in my veins as I say the words. Our baby. Ours.

"Our baby!" He lifts me up and spins me around, and I hold him close, pressing my face into his shoulder as he sets me down. "When do we tell the others?"


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