Chapter 2

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I wake up in a bright room. My eyes still need to adjust. In the corner of the room I see a shaded figure. I put my hand on my face and I realize that I have a breathing mask on. I struggle to try and take it off because I can barely even feel anything on my body. My eyes finally adjust and I realize i'm in the hospital, and my Mom is in the chair sleeping and one person was in the hallway talking to a doctor. I realize it's my Dad. I try to say something but nothing comes, out i'm so thirsty. My parents go over to my Mom and wake her up. When she wakes up and she looks at me then back at my Dad. Then she turns her head turns even faster around and comes running towards me.

She whispers to me, "Cara?"

Then my Dad turns around and my Mom comes and hugs me but my Dad just stands there blankly. Then my mom and Dad start crying.

This time I have enough energy and strength to take the breathing mask off. So I did. And I ask them "What happened? You guys are acting like I died or something like that." Everyone was dead quiet.

Then I remember


Alex my boyfriend was driving the car.He starts driving because we have a green light. Then a car comes speeding towards us and hits the passenger seat (where I'm sitting) and everything was either a blur or just pitch black.


My Dad then says "You were put into a coma almost immediately after the car crash" I could tell by the tone in his voice he blamed Alex.

I process this for little bit and say "It wasn't his fault it was the guy who hit us fault." Then I ask almost right after that "How long was I in the coma for?"

My Dad replies, "Two years".

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