♡Chapter One♡

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Today was a long day of work. I worked as a part-time cashier at Wal-Mart. I was closing tonight, I really hated it because I had to drive home alone in the dark. When I was on my way to my car I heard somefhing saying, "go to sleep". It got louder and louder until I saw him. He had a white hoodie on, the hoodie had splattered blood all over it. Then I saw his face. He was as pale as paper, pretty much pure white, and he also had a smile. Not just a normal smile though, he had a smile carved into his face. And I noticed he never blinked, I don't even think he had eyelids!


"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed. Of course no one heard me because they all left already.

"Shhhhhh........ just go to sleep........" he whispered

Next thing I know he put a cloth over my face and totally passed out. I awoke in what seemed to be a basement, but I wasn't quite sure because I was still drowsy. I noticed  I was tied to a chair. "Great just great! " I thought to myself. I thought for sure I was going to die, so I thought back to all the things that I have done in my life. I didn't have such a great life though. My parents were abusive over the littlest things. Everyone in school tried to make my life a living Hell. Even my "friends" turned their backs on me. I was living a miserable life and I knew it. Then he walked in.

"Hey. I never really got your name earlier. Do you mind telling me now?" He said with his fake smile turning even more evil. If possible

"No, not really. Why don't you tell me yours first?"

"Look little girl", he hissed " I wasn't really asking you! Now tell me your name before I make you GO TO SLEEP!"

I screamed and said "Kill me then! I don't deserve to live anyways! Everybody hates me! Its making me go insane inside! I have already tried to get them to love me but nothing works! So go ahead, kill me. I don't even care anymore" I said as I felt my eyes start to water

"Look I know what you're going through, that's why I do what I do. I kill. I kill because the blast of adrenaline makes me feel good. I love it. I love killing." Then I noticed he started to cry also. We were just sitting there crying like little babies.

'Why wasn't he killing me?' I thought to myself 'I  just don't get it'

"Oh and by the way, I'm Jeffery Woods. You can call me Jeff. If you call me Jeffery, I will kill you." He said in the most serious voice. Not that I thought that he was kidding, because I knew he would kill me.

"Oh, okay I'm uh S-Savannah, so J-Jeff um how are you?" I stutter when I'm nervous

"Oh just fine, Savannah, but tell me, how are you? I mean besides the fact that I kidnapped you and locked you up in my basement."


"You know, I don't think I'll kill you. You are way to easy to kill. I mean, you won't even try to fight back, you want it to much."

I felt some relief and then I started to cry.

"Oh man, was it something I said? I'm sorry I didn't mean anything bad! I swear!"

"No I'm fine. Now let me out of here if you're not going to kill me! I don't like being tied up to chairs. It isn't to comfortable, you know.

He apologized and untied me. I instantly sprung up and I stretched.

"How long was I tied up?"

"Just a few hours, it's only like 11:00"

I felt so relieved because my mom comes home at 1:00 because she had to do something at the hospital where she worked. She was a heart surgeon. She used to always tell me awesome stories about her patients before my brother died. Man, do I miss him. He was murdered when my parents and I went to the store and left him at home. That was the worst mistake we ever made. Now she just takes her anger out on me. As I was thinking about my brother and that day, I felt tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Are you alright?" Jeff asked me

I didn't respond

"Hey, I'm going to take you home alright?"

I just nodded my head depressingly

He picked me up bridal style. It was weird and awkward, but it felt good, it felt right.

We were outside my door to my house and I asked him if he wanted to come inside. He said yes. We went inside and ran up to my room. My room was green and had many posters of my favorite rock bands. He kept looking at the "Kiss" one.

"I was so close to killing Jean Simmons, you don't even know. I was just about to cut his tounge off. I was about to kill a celebrity."

"You met Jean Simmons?! Oh My God! That's awesome!"

"Even more since I almost killed him!"

Then It got silent and I saw my mom's car drive by. "Shoot! You have to leave, my mom is here!" Then he climbed out of my window and waved as he sat in a tree in my yard. My mom came in and she yelled "goodnight!" And went straight to bed. I looked out my window and Jeff was still there. I opened my window and I signaled him telling him he could come in. He then climbed in to my window and sat on many bed. I sat next to him. It was silent for a while until he broke it.

"Savannah, you're special to me"

'OMG! OMG! OMG! Do I feel the same? What do I say?'  I thought to myself

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