Chapter 6

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Terror races through his veins as the class falls apart, the alarms vibrating through the room with an urgent roar of RUN RUN RUN RUN. Bakugo stands carefully, his legs shaking from the adrenaline, eyes narrowing. Kaminari's hands shake.


How had Shigaraki figured out so quickly?

There was no way.

UA was too closely guarded....

An explosion echoes from somewhere nearby, shaking him down the core. Bakugo's lips peel into a snarl, and Midoriya races out the door despite Aizawa's yells to stop. Bakugo starts to run after him, and Kirishima grabs him by the arm. Kaminari is relieved for exactly one second before Kirishima nods at him, an indecipherable look in his eyes, and let's go.

Were they insane???

Aizawa let out a long-suffering sigh as the two of them race across the hallway like the devil himself is chasing after them. The entire building is caked in red, the alarms turning all of their skin red with warning.

The alarms are deafening, and Kaminari can't hear a single thing anybody is saying, but somehow, the rest of the class seems to understand whatever words are pouring out of Aizawa's mouth. The world is moving along too fast, and Kaminari feels as if he is stuck in an alternate timeline. The next thing he knows is that everybody is gone, running out the door and towards where the sounds of fighting are only getting even louder yet.

Mina screams something at him, grabbing onto his arms desperately, eyes wide with determination, panic, and a strange glint of something he'd only seen a long time ago in the arms of his family. Sero stares down at him, his eyes hard, and says something that is lost in the din. He can barely make out the words over all of the screaming and yelling and explosions happening who knows where. 

What he hears, he is so sure he has heard wrong. 

We'll protect you. 

Before he can even open his mouth, the two of them are gone, and he is left mouthing a voiceless, noiseless WHAT  in the middle of an empty classroom.

As the red of the alarm washes over him, his entire body trembles with fear. They'd gone to fight for him. Shigaraki and the others were strong, what if they died? What if they got hurt? What if Shigaraki got hurt? Despite everything, Kaminari still couldn't help but still feel conflicted. He cared about both sides, and he knew that both sides cared about him. 

He knew that what he was doing right now was right, but he still remembered all of the times that Shigaraki had helped him. Villains were never born as villains after all. That implied for all villains, even Shigaraki.

He felt useless, standing there, contemplating who he fought for while his friends were fighting for their lives just down the hall. His legs were jelly, and his mind pounded with a million thoughts, all at once. A couple of tears dripped from his tired eyes and he felt lost within the chaos. He knew that even if he turned himself in now, he wouldn't be forgiven for everything he'd done, all those people he murdered, in the eyes of the police. He would be locked in a cell to atone for his crimes for years.

Still, all he could remember were the hopes he'd had as a child, the naive thoughts that someone would come to rescue him. No one had come then, but perhaps his prayers were only just now being heard.

Life had been far from fair to him, but perhaps he could pull off just one more sacrifice so that others could have a chance.

Perhaps this would be enough for atonement.

He runs.

The hallway is awash in red, and his hands are clammy with sweat. His head pounds with the heavy beat of the alarm, but he isn't quite sure if it's because of the alarm or the roaring of his heart as it punches furiously against his chest. His legs feels shaky as the rumble and shouts of the fight sounds from somewhere in front of him, the building shaking with tremors. Everything feels strangely muffled, as if he is underwater, and perhaps he has somehow acquired a time quirk because everything seems to stretch and rebound off of the walls.

Stun Gun Hero: ChargeboltOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora