Chapter 4

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'm just so stressed and tired all the time lately because of school. I've had this sitting on my computer for a while so I finally decided to finish it.

I've been busy all month but still! I'm glad I made it in time for Christmas!



Bakugo woke up on Monday just like any other day; vigorously brushing his teeth before realizing that yesterday had been the deadline for the traitor reveal.

He tensed up for a moment, glaring at himself viciously through the mirror.

Then he snorted and turned away, ripping out his school uniform and gripping his bag, bypassing the rest of the dorms bustling even at this early in the morning, just to grab a single, ripe banana, before heading out towards the school. 

Ridiculous. Why should he care if any of those f*ckers were the traitor? Why should he worry about their safety?

The only person's safety that he should worry about was himself. And he would be perfectly fine. Because he was f*cking Bakugo Katsuki dammit! He didn't need anybody to worry for him, even himself!

He was strong.

He was number one.

All those extras were just side characters to his main story.

(He didn't care that they definitely had their own, winding stories too. He didn't.)

He stomped down the path, the chilly November air sending puffs of his breath floating through the air, dew layered on top of the bushes lining the sidewalk.

A couple of students were already roaming about, their uniform showing them as proud UA students, some of them yawning as they strode by him cautiously.

(They were scared of him. Why should he care? They were just weak. They were scared because he was stronger. Yes, he was strong. He was the best of the best.)

On his way to class, Glasses marched past him determinedly, arms straight at his sides, looking comically like a robot. Round Face skipped after him, arms swinging contentedly by her sides in comparison to Glasses, giggling as Glasses went on and on about the homework that was due today in class.

Deku raced after them from behind, an idiotic stretched on his lips. 

Huffing angrily, Bakugo looked away, trying to calm himself. He could already feel the sweat starting to condense at his palms, tiny little fireworks going on inside them. That little......

Soy Sauce Face caught up to him, slapping him on the shoulder before racing away, laughing all the while.

Bakugo exploded, fury at his brink. All of these stupid little weaklings trying to be so smiley and happy with him of all people!

A little voice whispered at him from the corner of his mind.

What if they're the traitor?

He froze, snarling a little, a crashing wave of worry rising up inside him. He had never felt like this before. He had never felt so nervous for..... for anybody other than himself.

Those little faggots couldn't be the traitor. They were too weak to.......

But the reality was that they weren't. None of them were.

Nobody in this class was weak. Nobody could be used to his disposal.

He knew this..... he knew this is but......

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