Chapter 3

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Hi. I'm back. I'm also sorta dead right now so........... yeah! At least I'm uploading amiright?

A young boy who couldn't be more than 4 years old wandered the dark, grimy streets of the slums.

His hair was a beautiful yellow, striking against the dim, black background. A small streak of black in his hair like lightning made him very interesting to look at.

Despite his young age, the boy seemed to already be able to talk rather well.

Around his neck was a sign, huge, and bulky around his thin, wiry frame, but nevertheless, the boy persisted.

There was a spark in his eyes that was rarely seen in these places.

A wide smile decorated his lips.

And on the sign that he was struggling to hold high into the air wrote: OFFERING ELECTRICITY. 50 CENTS FOR EVERY 30 MINS.

A young man in his teens quietly approached the boy. It seemed like the boy was rather famous in these parts for his cheap electricity fee, but incredible quirk accuracy.

The boy absolutely beamed, watching proudly as 50 cents fell from the man's fingertips to clatter to a halt in the growing pile of coins in his jar.

Then the boy reached up, electricity dancing from his hands, and for 30 mins, a steady, beautiful stream of sparks flowed from his fingers into the power plug.

30 mins later, the slightly tired but incredibly happy boy handed back the plug to the man, tiny fingers sparking with his powerful quirk.

His control over his quirk was incredible. He was a prodigy.

Gripping his jar, the boy stood up, running through the labyrinth of collapsing houses like he knew every nook and ally, his sign clanging on his body was he ran. The jingle of tens of coins rang throughout the darkness.

And then, he made a final turn to come to a halt at a small, rundown house, looking as if a small wind could blow it over.

But still, the boy's smile became ever wider, running excitedly into the small one room building.

"Mama! Look at how much I got today!"

A beautiful woman in her late 30s kneeled down to become face to face with her son.

"My my! You're growing up so fast little man!" Her eyes crinkled as she gazed lovingly at her child.

Her warm hands reached down and ruffled his yellow hair until it became a crazy mess.

The child giggled happily.

Later that night, a man, his eyes sparkling jokingly, walked through the door, a dad joke already out of his tongue.

"DADDY!" The boy screamed racing towards his father

Another, younger sibling rushed out with him.

"Dadwy. Dadwy here?"

The two siblings hugged their father by both legs, clinging to his bony body.

"Dadwy mine." The three year old insisted, smushing her face into the ragged pants of her precious father.

"No!" The boy frowned, pouting. "Daddy is mine!"

The two siblings glared at each other for a moment before breaking into hysterical giggles.

The older man laughed with him, his laugh booming in the small quarters of the room. His chest rumbled like an earthquake, and his roaring laughter caused the unstable structure to quiver for a moment.

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