Chapter 9 Mia's POV

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Pain. That's all I felt.
We crashed into the truck, immediately falling into the airbags. Calla was silent. Even if she was saying something, it wouldn't have been heard from over the sound of glass breaking.

I felt the car roll, over and over. My head it the ground, making my vision blurry. The car stopped, upside down.
I looked over at Calla, who was limply laying there, before I blacked out.

Luke's POV:
Calla and Mia had left over 10 minutes ago. Michael and I were playing FIFA, while Ashton was in his room and Calum in the kitchen.

"That's no fair, you cheated!" Michael shouted from losing, his fifth time.

"No I didn't mike, you just suck." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever.." He mumbled. "Rematch. And I'm winning this time." He pointed a finger at me.
We restarted the game, getting into it. I was about to score before my phone started buzzing.

"Hey why'd you pause" Michael whined.

"Shut up mate." I said, looking at the ID.

"Hello"? I ask

"Hi is this Luke Hemmings?" The
lady said.

"Uh yes." I said.

"Well I'd like to inform you that Calla Reed and Mia Taylor have been in a car accident. They went Into the other lane, and collided with a truck. Theyre being transported to the St.claire hospital."

My breath shortened.
"Okay." I hung up. "We need to go now." I said to Michael.

"Why?" He stood up.

I stopped and looked at him.

"Calla and Mia got in a car accident and they're at the hospital"


Michael's POV
No no no no no no.
This is not supposed to be happening.

We rush out to the car, and drive straight to the hospital.
I look over at Luke, who isn't showing any emotion. Just staring straight ahead.

I look back out the window.

They're okay. I keep telling myself.
They'll be fine.

We pull into the hospitals parking lot, immediately getting out.

We run through the doors, and up to the desk.

"Hi. We're here for Calla Reed and Mia Taylor" Luke rushes out.

"Yes. They're in surgery right now, but if you go in the waiting room, I can have the doctor come and get you once they're done." She said sympathetically

We walked over to the chairs and sat down.

"They'll be okay." I reassured Luke, who was nervously bouncing his knee. He just nodded.

After 5 minutes of silence, my phone rang. It read Calum.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey mate. Where'd you guys go?" A confused Calum asked.

"Oh. We're at the hospital... Mia and Calla got into a car crash. They're in surgery right now." I said, fighting back the tears.

"Oh shit. We'll be right over. Hang in there." Calum said before hanging up.

"Calum and Ash are on their way." I mumble.
Luke doesn't say anything. Just stares at the ground.

I sigh and lean against the wall, closing my eyes.
They'll be okay I tell myself one last time, before falling asleep

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