"She's a leftie, you know." Michael said behind him.

"Yeah. I know. At least she has all the knowledge." Finn said.

"Hey, you have the knowledge. You just got to use it and put your mind to it." Michael said.

"I'll remember that, dad." Finn said as he went to bed.

The next day, Finn and Susanne went to the Tech Expo which Nigel and Peter were there to present the robot that Finn was working on, but was kicked out. So Finn decides to have a little payback with them.

"It can't believe they kicked you out of the tech program and they are using the robot that you built without you. That's fucked up." Susanne said as he was walking with him.

"I know. That's why I'm getting a little payback." Finn said.

Suddenly, he see's Brittany coming in the EXPO.

"Hey, Brittany! We're over here!" Finn waves at her as she walks up to them.

"Hey. I thought we were kicked out of the tech program." Brittany said.

"I'm just here for a little revenge. So you two wait here. I'm gonna find Nigel and Peter." Finn said.

"His friends stole his idea and he got kicked out. That's so wrong." Brittany said.

"Yeah. Tell me about it." Susanne said sarcastically. Then, Pia found them and talked to them.

"Are you serious? I thought this stuff wasn't your scene. Or you just supporting the school's team." Pia said to Brittany and Susanne.

"We're just here to support the school." Susanne said.

"I'm trying to pretend that I'm here to support Nigel, but this place is so boring." Pia said as she looked on her phone.

"We are here to appreciate Finn's work. The work he did, before they kick him off the team."  Brittany said.

"What do you think about, 'At the expo, bitches.' with a peaces sign." Pia said.

"I think you're going to have massive likes on the scoreboard." Susanne said.

Finn walk up to Nigel and Finn and gave them a good luck.

"Hey, guys." Finn said to Nigel and Pete.

"Well, you're here. I have to admit it's going to be a little weird without you doing this." Nigel said.

"I know. Listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for acting like a dick. You were right, you guys built the robot so you guys deserved to present it. I just came up with the idea. So. I wish you luck." Finn said as he gave Peter and Nigel a good luck handshake.

"Alright. I'm glad we settle this." Peter said as he gave him a handshake.

They were about to present, Finn got back with Susanne and Brittany as he was about to take control on the robot but malfunction itself.

"Showtime." Finn said to himself as he was about to take control on the robot.

The robot started to circuit out and start moving on its own. Peter and Nigel had no control over it.

"What the hell is wrong with it?" Peter said.

"I don't know. I can't get a hold of it. It's like someone's hacking it." Nigel said as he touch the app on his phone to control the robot.

"Shit." Peter said.

Finn made the robot exploded as the crowd took cover over the explosion. The robot was on fire and a security guard put the fire out with the extinguisher. Brittany also put a little flame on Pia hair and Susanne threw a green tea smoothie at her to put the fire out. Although, half of her hair was burnt.

"What I was trying to put the fire out." Susanne said as Pia screamed in anger and walked out.

"Oh come now. It doesn't look that bad." Brittany said at a frustrated Pia.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Finn said as he grab Brittany's hand and Susanne followed him out of the Expo.

"Oh my god. I can't believe you did that." Brittany said.

"I can't believe you did that." Finn smiled.

"Did you see the look on her face. I mean look at her hair." Brittany chuckled.

While Finn and Britany was talking, Susanne felt left out on the conversation.

"You know, I threw the drink at her." Susanne said.

"Oh yeah. That was badass of you. She deserve it." Finn said.

"Yeah. She did." Susanne said as Brittany and Finn start walking off together.

"You coming Susanne?" Brittany said.

"Yeah." Susanne said as she looks a little down and walks with them.

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