D-RoB Chapter 11. Nasty Landing.

Start from the beginning

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" Snotlout panicked, getting tossed around, "HELP ME! HELP ME, Y/N! AAHH!!"

She looked hesitantly into the waterspout before sighing, "We're coming!" She shouted, flying in close to the waterspout to get Snotlout.

The wind pulled in them violently, but they eventually got to Snotlout, Shadow's claws gripping onto him.

"SHADOW, GET US OUT OF HERE!!" Y/n shouted over the strong wind, as it kept pulling them back into the waterspout.

When she heard something behind them rip, she turned her head to the Night Fury's tail, "Oh, no." She saw the prosthetic tail fin getting ripped, the leather slowly getting being pulled of and the steering pole getting bend.

"SNOTLOUT, HANG ON!!" She shouted, no longer able to control where they went, the waterspout threw them out and Y/n and Shadow did the best they could to dive between several trees and rocks.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Push, Gobber!" The Chief of Berk shouted at his right hand.

"I'm pushing, Stoick." Gobber responded, not really staying true to his words.

"Well, it certainly doesn't feel like it. Push harder!" Stoick told him, both stopping pushing and pulling the cart with sticks and destroyed parts of the fishing boat.

"Oh, there they are." Gobber pointed at the arriving Riders, avoiding the conversation.

"I'm glad you're back. The boat has returned." Stoick informed the group as they landed.

"Could've told us that before we left."

"Excuse me?" Stoick frowned.

"Uh, nothing, Chief. That was her." Tuffnut said, pointing at his Twin.


"Where's Y/n?" He asked, noticing the missing girl and her Night Fury.

"She had to double back to get Snotlout." Hiccup told him, getting off of Toothless.

"Heh. I said leave him.." Tuffnut trailed off when he saw the look Stoick gave him, "Uh, her again! I don't know what her deal is." He said, causing Ruffnut to hit his arm.

"Nothing to worry about, Stoick. You know how hard it it to get her off that dragon." Gobber tried to calm the Chief with a worried look in his eyes.

"He's right, Dad. She grew up flying. I'm sure she'll be fine." Hiccup said, trying to calm himself more than his father.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Shadow! Shadow? Shadow, are you okay?" Y/n tried to get the black dragon to open her eyes after their rough landing, "Ah. Come on, talk to me, Shadow." She lifted her head, Shadow opened her eyes and licked Y/n's cheek.

"Oh, thank you." She sighed in relief, standing up, "That wasn't our best landing, was it?" She asked while Shadow stood up, shaking dust off her.

"Oh, great." Y/n went back to the dragon's tail, "Your tail is gone, and the connecting rod is a mess!" She said, looking at Shadow, "What are we supposed to do now?"

"You can start by getting out of this stupid tree!" Snotlout's voice echoed, the female duo looked up to see Snotlout hinging upside down in a tree.

Shadow blasted the branch he was stuck on, letting him fall to the ground, straight on his back, "Well, that looked like it hurt." Y/n said, but Snotlout groggily shook his head, "You sure? Can you talk?"

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