Chapter One

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It was around 10:00 PM when Link finally arrived at Gerudo Canyon Stable, exhausted. Apparently, no one else was, because as soon as he set foot within the stable, a little girl cheerfully bounded up to Link, grinning.

"Hi," She waved. "What's your name?"

Link chuckled. He didn't really enjoy talking much, but he had a weak spot when it came to little kids. Before he could reply, a middle aged woman called for her across the stable. "Aryll! Don't bother the customers, he must be tired."

Aryll? Why did that name seem so familiar? Must be a coincidence... Yeah, that's it. Maybe. Link sighed. He was never sure of anything anymore. It got tiring.

Aryll, who couldn't have been any older than 5, deflated slightly. The woman, who Link assumed was her mother, walked over. "I'm sorry about that. She should have been in bed hours ago, but today was her birthday, and I think she's still caught up in the sugar rush. I would tuck her in, but I still have this shift to finish..."

Link shook his head. "Don't worry," he said, his voice raw from disuse, then continued by signing, "I don't mind... If you're worried about her staying up so late, I can help out." He wasn't exactly sure what drove him to make that offer, but he was used to that kind of thing. Want some meat? Want to give a flower to the woman across the lake? Can't find your wife? Dream of seeing a balloon? Link had your back.

"Oh no, I can't ask you to do that, I just met you five minutes ago. It's fine, it won't be long until I've cleaned up. You can rest."

"It's late, I bet you must want to sleep, too.  Consider it a small favor."

She smiled gratefully, giving in. "Well, if you insist. Thank you so much..."

"Link." He nodded, smiling faintly before turning towards Aryll, who was looking up at him expectantly.

"Do I have to go to sleeeeeep?" She whined sadly, as if Link had taken her favorite toy away.

"Yup," Link answered simply, scooping her up and swinging her around before carrying her to bed. She giggled excitedly, but when they got to her bed, she crossed her arms and pouted.

"I'm not sleepy."

"You wanna hear a story?"

Her eyes lit up, and Link knew he had said the right thing. She frantically crawled under the covers and bounced up and down. "Story time?"

"Alright then," Link said, clearing his throat and sitting on the edge of her bed. He couldn't sign a bedtime story. Besides, he wasn't sure she could understand Hylian sign, being so young. "Ever heard of Eventide Island?"

"Is it scary?" She asked, as if she'd asked for sweets instead.

"It's right by Lurelin village. No fisherman ever brought their boat to the island- it was taboo. But last week, I decided to visit."

"Did you find any fish?"

"Wha- no." Link laughed. "Anyway..." Link continued, telling her all about his adventures- the parts that weren't too personal, at least- and Aryll usually interrupted with her important questions. Did Impa have a cat? No. Had Pikango ever painted a unicorn? No. Did monsters have birthday parties? Link wasn't sure where she even came up with these questions.

Eventually, she fell asleep, and Link silently left to pay for his own bed. No matter how tired, Link always had trouble falling asleep. But he was a heavy sleeper, and once he was asleep, nothing could wake him. If a tree had fallen and crushed the stable while he was sleeping, Link doubted he would bother to open his eyes.

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